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Warning/smut, well not really

Liam PoV

As Theo takes Gabes pain, I notice something new about him. He can care, no one would have thought he could. Taking someone's pain is a tremendous thing and the feeling is unreal. 

I watch as Gabe dies, Theo sets Gabe's arm down on the ground and stands up. Melissa looks at me with widened eyes, shocked at the sudden care in Theo. I realise that Corey and Mason were here. Mason looks as shocked as Melissa does. Theo stands up and turns around, he looks at us and runs out. Before he left his eyes looked as if he was about to cry. He went downstairs, Melissa looked at me with concern and I ran after him. I walk past rooms, which are now trashed and in the last one, I see a chimera, who looks broken, he's crying and whimpering. I don't think his ears have picked up I'm here. I'm not entirely sure what to do.

 Theo has saved me, more than once and I feel as if I need to pay him back for what he has done for me. Yes, I did bring Theo out of hell after all that he's done for me, it feels like more. Over these last few weeks I've never felt so close to someone. We fought, we bickered, we broke each other's bones (literally) but we helped one another to cope with this war. 

He is my anchor... oh Theo is my anchor. I never thought I would say or even think that. I look at the broken boy and sit next to him. I wrap my arms around him and hug him tight. He hugs me back. "Theo, I know to be able to take Gabe's pain must have been overwhelming but you're okay," I say to Theo. I feel hot tears running down my neck as he tucks his head in neck.
"Liam...why are you doing this? Why are you helping me? I don't deserve this" Theo chokes out, still crying. I've never seen Theo cry before, he puts on a brave face and acts strong but I can tell on the inside he's just like the rest of us. "Theo you are a changed man, you deserve to have a shoulder to cry on. You are allowed to cry, you are allowed to put down your brave face" I say to him. He looks at me and holds me tighter. "Thank you Liam, you don't understand how much that means for me to hear. I've never felt more comfortable with someone in my life and I'm scared that'll you'll leave me one day or you won't need me and..." Theo pauses and looks at me. "I will never leave you Theo, I promise you that and I've been meaning to tell you something. Theo you are my anchor, you make me feel safe, you help keep me calm." I say.

"That's a bad idea Liam, I'm a bad person. You shouldn't have me as an anchor. If I was to lose control again you'd fall right behind me. I can't put you in that danger. You mean too much to me" He looks down at his feet and let's go of me and goes to stand up. "Theo. You are not a bad person. I know you aren't. You won't put me in danger, you are in control Theo and you are not leaving me." I shout at Theo as he goes to leave. He grabs his arm and pulls him into a long kiss. My arms wrap around Theo's neck. His arms wrap around my waist and holds me tight. He grabs my ass and lifts me up, my legs wrap around Theos waist. My hands grabs his hair and I moan at the feeling of his tongue in my mouth. His hands go up my top and he rubs my body. I take off his shirt and he takes off mine. We take our trousers off and we hear mason shout "You two fuckers better have clothes on cause I'm walking in now" Theo and I laugh and quickly get our clothes on and Mason walks in, he screams dramatically as Theo has his top off and can I say he looks incredible without a top off. "How did I not know you looked amazing without a top on, cause can I say you have the body of a god," Mason says as Corey walks in.
"MASON HEWITT DID YOU FORGET YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND" Corey shouts at Mason. Masons face goes red and Corey storms off with Mason running after him.
"So...that happened" I say awkwardly.
"yeah it did" Theo says.
"I just realised something I haven't asked you out yet, well Theodore Raeken will you be my boyfriend" I ask.
"Yes my beautiful puppy" He says and I blush at the nickname and kiss him. We walk to Theos truck and we drive to my house. We go in the house and go to be with him spooning me and us falling asleep for the first time feeling safe and happy.

TeenWolf -Thiam OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon