Dear no one

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'I like being independent
Not so much of an investment
No one to tell me what to do
I like being by myself
Don't gotta entertain anybody else
No one to answer to.

Liam listens to the song, he relates to it. Liam likes being alone, he likes the fact he doesn't have to impress anyone on a daily. He enjoys the quietness in the morning, Hayden liked to have a full on make-out session before school and Liam just didn't feel it in the morning. He's getting ready for school, another day of hell. He can't wait until he graduates.

But sometimes I just want somebody to hold
Someone to give me their jacket when it's cold
Got that young love even when we're old

Liam lowly sang down the stairs, missing stairs whilst running. He misses Hayden, sometimes he just wants to hold someone and give his jacket to them to make them warm.
He thought Hayden was his true love, he thought it was her and that was it. He couldn't have been more wrong.

Yeah, sometimes I want someone to grab my hand
Pick me up, pull me close, be my man
I will love you 'til the end

He misses the feeling of her smaller but warmer hand on his, he liked picking her up and making her laugh, he remembers him telling her he'll love her to the end and her saying the same.

So if you're out there I swear to be good to you
But I'm done lookin' for my future someone
'Cause when the time is right you'll be here,
But for now, dear No One,
This is your love song
Ooh, oh, oh

Liam walks outside and starts to run to school with the song still playing.
Once he's there, he sees a certain chimera. The one chimera that makes his heart beat, the one that made him feel love but he's also the really obvious type. He's been trying for the last year to get him to notice his feelings but nothing, he decided to wait for Theo to catch on to the fact Liam has strong feelings for him.

I don't really like big crowds
I tend to shut people out
I like my space, yeah

Liam walks into school passing everyone, he doesn't like large, overcrowded places. He walks past Mason and Corey, neither giving him a look or thought, only caring about each other but Liam learned to enjoy his own space.

But I'd love to have a soul mate
And God'll give him to me someday
And I know it'll be worth the wait,

Liam walks to class, Theo is sitting in his usual seat at the back. Liam goes to the other side of the classroom, the teacher always moves his class around so he'll wait for the teacher to actually be nice to him and put him next to Theo. He'll happily wait. Liam sits in class, bored. The teacher, Mrs Finch is teaching about chemicals or something, Liam isn't sure. He zoned out a long time ago. The bell goes and everyone leaves, Liam walks into the canteen. He hears a voice shout for him, it's Theo. They both sit down and talk.

Dear No One, no need to be searchin', no
Dear No One.
Dear No One.
Dear No One, this is your love song

Liam thinks of the lyrics, he wishes he could just tell Theo but he can't but he couldn't have shown him more that he likes him. Theo moves so he's next to Liam. He smiles and starts to move his face into Liam's. Liams confused, what's Theo doing? Theo puts his lips on Liam's, Liam is still confused. Theo likes Liam? Theo pulls back and starts to panic and apologise, Liam tells him he doesn't have to he feels the same way, they kiss and walk to class smiling.

Dear Theo, this is your love song...

(inspired by dear no one by Tori Kelly)

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