Where am I?❤️

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Theo PoV

I wake up warm and cozy, that's weird I was sleeping in my truck how am I warm? I only have a thin blanket that barely covers my body. I open my eyes, slowly because I like this feeling and I know it won't happen again and the scent of wherever I am is very comforting. It's like a wolf scent. Where am I? I look around the room to see band posters, a desk, a wardrobe and I can hear the shower going. It can't be Scott, he's at UC Davis. Stiles, for one, hates me and is still at his FBI internship. Malia, hates me and is in Paris. Lydia, isn't very fond of me but she doesn't hate me that much but I don't think she'd let me sleep in her bed. Who's left? Mason still thinks I'm an evil chimera, who's plotting against him (which I'm not by the way) Corey is still a bit weird with me after the whole chimera thing. Liam? No it can't be him. He still hates me. Seriously where am I? I listen to the heartbeat in the shower. It sounds familiar, but from where? The shower gets turned off and the person must be getting into clothes.
The bathroom door opens and I sit up on the bed waiting to see who the kidnapper or nice person is.

The bedroom door opens slowly as if the person still thinks I'm asleep. "Oh hey," Liam says. Walking into the bedroom to get a top. I'm looking at him, I'm so confused. Why would Liam let me sleep next to him?
Wait did he find me in my truck? Did something happen last night that I don't remember?
"You okay? You look worried and reek of anxiety" Liam asks me.
"How did I get here?" I question the werewolf.
"You were shot, you howled so I ran out the house to find you. When I found you, you were unconscious, I decided to bring you back here. I took out the bullet and bandaged it up" he tells me as I feel the wound.
"Oh, thank you. I can't remember anything, it's weird." I say as Liam passes me a change of clothes.
"You can go shower, you still have blood all over your chest. The towels are in the cupboard in the bathroom" he tells me and I thank him. I walk into the bathroom and take off my clothes. He wasn't kidding about there being blood all over my chest, it's everywhere. I turn on the shower and get in. After I wash my hair and body, I step out the shower and dry myself. I get into the clothes Liam gave me, he does have a really nice scent. I walk out the bathroom and into the bedroom to find no one in the room.
"In the kitchen" I hear Liam say.
I walk out the bedroom and down the stairs. Liam put two plates down on the table and we both eat. "Thank you, Liam, for everything" I gratefully say.
"No problem Theo, it's the least I can do after the number of times you've saved me. I'm just glad you're okay." Liam smiles and I blush. He cares about me. I finish eating and get ready to leave. "Theo, where are you going?" Liam asks.
"Home" I lie.
"Theo, I know you're living in your truck. You shouldn't have to, live with me. My parents are happy for you to stay." He tells me, I smile and nod. I thank him and we sit on the couch and watch a movie. I feel Liam's head resting on my shoulder, I smile.

What is this boy doing to me?

Hey hoped you liked this, hopefully, it's not too short.

Comments and suggestions are welcome


TeenWolf -Thiam OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora