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I'm crying
I'm lying
It's feels like I'm dying
What is there to see
Without you here with me

Theo sits at the bridge where he killed his sister, it feels wrong of him to live when she's stuck, alone and cold with nothing beating in her chest. Theo starts to cry, he wishes he never listened to the dread doctors, if only he wasn't such a scared little boy, he might not have done it. Theo sits with his thoughts taking over, he lays down. He stays there for a few hours before falling asleep, the sleep is peaceful and he feels like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders after he cried himself to sleep, feeling guilty and a pain in her heart that's in his chest, attached to his veins and organs, that makes him breathe and stay alive. Why can't that be Tara living? He doesn't deserve to live after everything he did. There's nothing left for him in Beacon Hills, he only stays for the young, angry werewolf that he has somehow fallen in love with. He never thought he could feel love, he only thought he'd feel the guiltiness in his heart till death, where he would be sent back to hell for eternity. Where he would be with his sister, where she would take her heart back continuously. He wondered if she would have ever stopped. If she would sit down and cry into her younger brother's, sad she never got to got to grow up or get married, have kids or do anything that every normal person had done. Theo would have the chance to apologize, over and over again but he would never deserve to have the satisfaction of apologising. As the sun rises, Theo sits up. He notices a wolf, dark blonde fur and blue eyes like the sea. Theo smells the scent of the wolf to realise it's Liam.
It's the beta werewolf, that Theo grew to love. What's he doing her? Theo stands and goes to Liam. "Hey what are you doing here?" Theo asks the wolf. He puts his hand on his head and pets the soft fur. Liam growls at that but soon relaxes into it. After a few minutes, Liam changes back to being human. "So when did you learn how to do that, last week you were still having trouble with it when I tried to teach you?" Theo asks the now human boy.
"You didn't come home last night, I was worried. I thought something had happened to you and I just thought about you and turning since I would be able to run faster and thinking of you helped me." Theo listens to the boy being shy about the fact he was worried.
"You didn't have to worried Liam, I'm fine," Theo tells Liam, it's half true. Now Theo feels better with Liam here with him.
"Yes you're fine Theo, that's why I found you crying here. Theo, why are you here?" Liam questions Theo, unsure why the chimera is at the bridge where he killed his sister. "Liam, I came because I feel guilty. I killed my sister for the better good of myself. I wanted to apologise again. She deserves to be here not me, I deserve to be in hell, rotting." Theo tells Liam, who looks at the broken boy in front of him.
"Theo, you are my anchor. You are the person who grounds me, you make me who I am. You may have done bad things in the past but you have definitely redeemed yourself. I'm going to help you to see that. I'm going to do everything I can to help you." Liam tells the chimera, who leans again the werewolf. Liam wraps an arm around Theo and they sit in silence. They stay cuddled up until Liam's mum calls to say dinners almost ready and they both rush home and eat. Once they finish they go to Liam's room and lay down.
"Thank you" Theo whispers to Liam as he slowly falls asleep.
"Your welcome" Liam whispers back, softly kissing Theo's head. He wraps his arms tightly around the chimeras waist, Theo's head is rested on Liam's chest and Theo's smiles. He never wants this to end...

Ok, so I'm not sure what's going on with article 13 but if I do get deleted. I wanted to say thank you so much for reading this book, I hope that if this does get deleted one day I will get the chance to make it again.

Once again thank you


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