Chapter 1

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        I looked around my surrounding and checked to see if anyone was there. Of course, no one was there to explain what the hell happened to me. One moment I was drowming in the ocean, and the next thing I know I wake up in a forest. Just great.

        I sighed as I sat under a tree and took in my surroundings. Trees. Trees. Trees. Trees. And more trees. Forest covered every inch of the ground around me, well look on the bright side. The worst thing that can happen is rain.

        Suddenly I heard thunder as the sky above me became dark and it started pouring...hard. Just my bad luck. I cursed under my breath as I stood up and searched for some kind of shelter. Viola! There was a cave not far from where I was. I checked the inside before walking in. I hoped that the rain lets up soon so I could travel who knows where.

        As soon as I sat down the rain stopped and the clouds parted to allow the sun warm the forest. My eyes widened as I stared outside the cave. Thats strange. I feel like a weather forcaster. Booo. Not fun at all. Well, might as well rest up or something. I laid down and got comfortable before letting sleep overcome me.

        When my eyes opened they stared into purple ones. Kinds shaped like the ones for snakes. When I tried to move my arms I found them stuck to the wall with chains. The fu~

        "What is your name sweetie?" The man in front of me asked.

        "Minami.......Sora." I stared at him dumbfounded for a second before he released the chains and I fell to the ground.

        "You shall address me as Orochimaru. And this here." He waved his hand to the person standing behind him. "Is Kabuto. Nice to meet you Sora-chan." He smiled evilly before he walked out and the guy named Kabuto closed the door to a cell in which I think I supposedly should be staying in. ood thing is, I don't have to go out of my way to find someone. But something in the back of my mind was telling me to run, as far away from here as I can.

        A couple hours later Kabuto came into my cell and asked me to come along with him. I followed him through a door which led into a luxurious bedroom with all the stuff a princess should need to keep herself busy while being locked away in a tower, in my case a cell, for the rest of her life.

        "You are a very special guest to Lord Orochimaru. he told me to tend to your every needs until we find you a better one. So. What would you like for dinner?" He asked kindly while smiling. I bet he's just forcing it to act nice.

        "I'll have Pocky!" He just stared at me with wide eyes. "I need at least three-thousand boxes to keep me busy for a week. Which means...." I counted with my fingers for a while. "four hundred and twenty eight boxes a day for seven days a week." His eyes widened a bit more before asking. "Are you sure you need that much?"

        "Yup. One-hundred boxes will be finished in an hour anyway. I calculated so don't worry about the details." He pushed his glasses up before taking his leave and locking the door behind him. Only locks from the outside huh. I thought up a plan.

        "Which means I can't undress without them opening the door on me." -3-

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