Chapter 5

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        I quickly ran back to the cave with Sasuke following close behind. I don't know why he insisted on following me. All he said was that he must avenge his family and kill his older brother. So no matter what, he wanted answers from me about why I know the murderer...or something like that.

        I rushed inside the cave and stopped to see just one box left intact on the ground, while the rest were scattered around and already eaten by some wild animal.....which was me. Sadly. I forgot to put them away somewhere and left the trash on the ground.

        "Oh my sweet baby! How could I ever leave you behind." I cried softly while holding the last box gently in my hands as Sasuke stood at the entrance staring like I was a lunatic going on about leaving her only food behind. Especially since its delicious.

        "You came back here just for that?" He asked me with a raised eyebrow.

        "Of course. This thing is very important to me. I'll do anything for it." I glared at him slightly for insulting my child.

        "So. You'll tell me how you know Itachi if you have....that?" I sighed and replied with a 'sure' before walking out and in a random direction.

        "So. Will you tell me?"


        "How you know Itachi."

        "You have to give me what I want first.

        "Which is...?"


        "But you have one right the-"

        "THIS THING IS STRAWBERRY!!!!!!!!!! I WANT STINKIN' CHOCOLATE!!!!!!" I yelled at him as I stormed off into the woods. Stupid Uchiha. Not really caring that I need different flavors each time to tell him anything about awesome Itachi.

        The next thing I knew, I was stuck in another cave where that Uchiha has prisoned me, waiting for the answers. But I refused until I got my Pocky. I quickly ate my strawberry one so he wouldn't object. Now I have no Pocky, so he went out to go buy one in a nearby village placing a jutsu on the cave entrance so I wouldn't be able to go anywhere or 'run away' as he liked to call it.

        I had a problem though. There was a sudden blizzard blowing into the cave and I was practically freezing to death because I didn't have on much for the cold weather that was unexpected. When he finally came back, I was glad he brought a blanket as well.

        I wrapped it comfortably around me and took the Pocky he gave me. I saw him hand it to me warily. So I looked at the cover of it and I almost lost my temper. How dare he!!! This Uchiha. Is he trieng to insult me or what?! I shoved the box in his face and started ranting.

        "THIS I-"

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