Chapter 14

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        "What in the name if kami have you done?!" I yelled out to Oreo as he took us to our new room. The wall between my room and Sasuke's were torn down.

        There was a huge king size bed in the corner with a small nightstand. A dresser was against one of the walls along with a desk next to it.

        There was a huge closet door that took up an entire wall, with a smaller one next to it, and another door which I bet led into the bathroom.

         I can't belive this. It's beautiful, but I don't like that fact of sharing a room.

        "I had this room done while you two were out. Sora. You'll especially love the closet. Go take a look." He hissed while gesturing to the big door.

        My eyes widened while I took in the most beautiful thing I ever saw in my life. A gigantic closet space filled with Pocky of all flavors. All for me.

        Hearts filled into my eyes as I ripped open a box and munched on the delicious happiness. Sasuke stood behind me with a shocked face, not knowing what to say or do.

        "She looks like she loves it. And Sasuke. Open that other closet door." I sat and watched while Sasuke's eyes widened as he stared into his closet.

        "What did you get?" I stood up and walked next to him. "Woah. That's pretty awesome stuff you got there."

        This closet was smaller than mine but the inside was spacious. One side of the wall was filled with expensive kunai's, shuriken's, and katana's.

        The other side held forbidden scrolls, medical scrolls, and tags that can do a whole lot. Like the explosive ones, the blinding ones, the net ones.

        "Thanks." He turned to Oreo and bowed his head slightly. Oreo looked pleased that Sasuke was enjoying his present.

        "Think of this like a wedding present." He chuckled before heading out the door. "Have fun little ones."

        Well it was almost midnight so I guess I should take a shower before I sleep. While Sasuke fantasized about his new weapons, I walked into the bathroom and turned the lights on to see something truly amazing.

        A hot spring....inside the bathroom?! Heck yeah! It came along with a shower, a sink, a beautiful counter with two sinks, and a small closet for keeping towels.

        I ran the hot water into the gigantic hot spring tub while I took a quick shower. Once I was done, I got into the relaxing hot water and let my tense muscles loosen.

        I felt slight pain on my stomach and looked down to see the lovely tattoo. I guess since I got it a couple hours earlier it should still be hurting.

        Once I got enough soaking time and my fingers started to shrivel, I got out and changed into a simple baggy shirt and shorts.

        I brushed my teeth throughly before walking out, covering my mouth while I felt a yawn come. The suprising thing that I saw was....

        Sasuke was still sitting in the same spot I last saw him. I walked up next to him and waved my hand in front of his face, which brought him back to his senses.

        "How long was I here?" He held his head in his hands, probably confused and getting a headache from staring too long.

        "I soaked so about an hour or so." I sat on the bed and pulled my shirt up to reveal my stomach, rubbing the cream onto the sore spot gently.

        Sasuke stood up and walked towards me, grabbing the bandage wrap from the nightstand. He sat down on the floor in front of me and wrapped the soft white cotton around my stomach, taping the end when he was done.

        "Thanks." I told him gratefully before laying down, taking in deep breaths of the new bed smell. He nodded and went into the bathroom, probably going to soak and relax too.

        I was barely awake when I heard the door open. My eyelids felt heavy and I closed them, letting out a soft sigh.

        Such a comfortable bed. I guess this bed is way better than what I had in my room. I felt my concious starting to slip when I felt strong arms wrap around me, pulling me up for a few seconds before setting me down again.

        I felt the bed dip and felt arms wrap around my waist while the cover came up to my neck. This felt somehow warm.

        "Goodnight Sora." I heard a familiar voice tell me softly.

        "Goodnight Sasuke."



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