Chapter 13

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        Sasuke put one arm around my waist as he led us towards the table where the couple were happily chatting away.

        "Hello. Sorry if we are a bit late." Sasuke spoke in a formal tone of voice. The couple looked towards us and took a few seconds to realize who we were.

        "Why hello. Mr. and Mrs. Minami. Don't worry about being late, we weren't worried about that at all." The wife I remembered her name was Kara adressed us by my last name.

        "Please take a seat." The husband named Hiroshi gestured us to sit in the two empty chairs across from them.

        Sasuke pulled my seat back and pushed it in after I sat like a real gentleman. Which I never thought in my entire life that I would live to experience.

        He took a seat next to me and pushed his chair up to the table. Now we were all just having a normal conversation.

        Mostly our likes and dislikes. Then about what jobs we all do. And mostly how our love lives were all these years since we met.

        That was the weirdest part to answer. Sasuke and I looked at each other with confused faces, not knowing how to answer a quiestion as simple as that.

        "Well. How was your first kiss~?" Kara said in a teasing voice. If I had been drinking something I would be doing a spittake by now.

        Silence filled the space between us. 'How in the world should I answer that question?! Isn't that a little bit too personal?!?!'

        Our waiter finally came with our drinks. After half an hour of waiting I thought they were slacking on the job. I took my glass of water and drank while Sasuke answered.

        "I guess we don't remember our first kiss since we probably kissed more than a thousand times a day."

        The water flew straight out of my mouth back into the cup. 'How emberrasing!!!!!'

        "Is she alright?!" Kara stood up from her seat and walked to my side, rubbing my back in a soothing gesture.

        "Nothing to worry about. She always gets emberrased when we talk about those kinds of stuff." Sasuke replied to her like a natural.

        "Wow. You young ones are always daring." Hiroshi sipped his cup of hot tea and set it down nicely on the table. "You guys have any kids yet?"

        I started coughing now. 'THAT is too personal for me. Of course for other people they would be happy to talk about their child, but I think I have to remind these people about the PROCESS to child making.'

        "Are you sure she's alright Mr. Minami. She might be sick." Poor Kara. Not knowing the real reason to my pain.

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