Chapter 9

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        It has now officially been five weeks since I met Sasuke again. Funny thing, he wasn't pestering me about his brother anymore.

        I was sitting on my bed enjoying pocky when I looked at the mirror across from me. My hair is now at my calf.

        It was silky when I ran it through my fingers. There were no split ends. It was was a beautiful light purple color.

        My clothes on the other hand....I guess I need a signature clothing. Like Sasuke, wearing the same white baggy shirt with the purple Oreo rope and black pants and all that.

        I guess I'll go shopping today! And no one's going to stop me. Muahahahaha >:D. Pocky and I will take over the WORLD!!!!

        Sasuke walked in while I was doing my evil laugh. His face layered with confusion. O.o

        "Morning Ducky! I'm goin shopping wanna come?" I waved money in front of his face.

        "No." He replied simply before sitting next to me on my bed. "Then what are you here for." e___e I asked him as suspiciously as I could.

        "I should be suspicious of you. With that weird laugh of yours." Weird laugh? WEIRD LAUGH!? I learned this in history class!!

        "Well then. Soooooo-."

        "Orochimaru wants to speak with you." He stood up and walked out. Strange duck I tell you. I followed him out and walked into Oreo's room.

        He threw me an envelope and it felt thick! "Your salary. Bring me a man that hangs around my hideout. Keep the change."

        I walked out and smiled at the packet.

         Now I wouldn't have to steal some from Ducky.



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