Chapter 2

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        "Where's my Pocky dammit!" I punched a hole through the wall and stared at it, then my hand, and back at the wall again. I shook it off and sat on my bed waiting, just waiting. I felt salvation right at the door as Kabuto warily opened the door looking out for my suprise attack. If he hasn't noticed, I was on the wall above the door. I didn't know how I could do it, but I could.

        When he was still checking the room unaware of my hiding spot I jumped onto his back and clung on like a burr. "Where's my Pocky Kabuto you're three hours late!!!!" I yelled into his ear as he tried to get me off.

        "Lord Orochimaru has them, you must go to him to get them." He said while choking because I was holding onto his neck.

        "Okay! Pocky Pocky Pocky!!!!" I ran down the hall yelling at the top of my voice before stopping in front of a fancy door. I banged on it as hard making sure to use my feet as well.

        "Come in!" I heard him yell as I flung the door open not waiting for his answer.  I sat on his bed and waited for orders. He sat up and stroked my light purple hair. "How is my princess doing?" He asked me while trying to smile even though it might have hurt to do so.

        Its been a couple of months since I met them. But they turned out to be really fun. Orochimaru started calling me princess for some reason a while ago, don't know why don't ask meh. Kabuto learned his lesson not to come between me and my Pocky, so he left them by the door earlier than scheduled so I wouldn't tell Orochimaru he was being a meanie.

        They also trained me to be as skilled as an ANBU as they liked to call it. I didn't have any talent, so they trained me from square one. Now, I'm on square one and a half. Just joking. I finished my squares a long time ago and got awarded with more Pocky, yum. They talked to me about meeting this guy named Sasuke that they have been training for a couple years. I asked why I never saw him before. They just said they scheduled the times him and I came out of our rooms so we woudn't meet. Pretty sneaky.

        "I'm doing great Oreo." He laughed at my nickname for him. Oreo reminded me of food. And I like, no scratch that, LOVE food. So I named him Oreo cookies and cream flavored. Yuuuuuuum! I couldn't come up for a name for Kabuto. So I left it just the way it is. And he appreciates it for no good reason.

        "You're going to be meeting Sasuke soon, so be ready." He warns me as he waved me off after giving me the Pocky Kabuto promised. "He may as well be as powerful as you. But you're strong enough to handle him. Right Sora-chan?"

        "Sir yes sir!" I saluted to him before I marched out waving the box of Pocky in the air like a flag. Well. This is going to be fun.

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