Chapter 3

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        Well, Oreo was right. As soon as I nonchalantly walked out of my room I bumped right into the Sasuke guy he was talking about. I looked up to see his onyx colored eyes boring into my blue ones. I knew somewhere that I know who this guy was. And for one thing, he seemed shocked that I was here, not angry at all as to why a stranger he never met was walking around the base like she owned the place.

        As soon as he touched me, I felt the memory jutsu break. What jutsu? I have no clue when I got it. All the memories of when I first landed into this twisted world came flooding back to me. Now I remember....I was a hostage.

MAIN FLASHBACK TIME~ (There are some flashbacks within flashbacks. Hehehe~)

        I remember I woke up in a foreign place. I walked around. I thought it would rain (being sarcastic) it rained, turning the once clear blue sky into a dark cloudy one. I found a cave and sat in it hoping the rain would stop. I got comfortable. The rain stopped. I cuddled on the ground and slept. Now what?

        I woke up to see a pair of sharingan eyes staring confused into mine. Woah! The sharingan, I must have hit my head bad when I fell off that cliff....why did I even fall off a cliff in the first place? Oh well. As long as I'm fine and dandy who cares. Which means I'm in the Naruto world. Whoop whoop!!

        I sat up quickly startling the young man. Well, he wasn't that young, but he wasn't that old either. Well.....YOLO right? I quickly jumped on him hugging him to death. I would've maybe died considering who the person was, but he simply put his hand on my head. I looked up at him looking at me sympathetically. Why I do not know. But I wish to.

        I pulled away and poked him slightly. "You've had a tough time." He spoke as I stared at him quizically. "What do you mean?"

        "I saw through your memories while you slept. It seems that you fell off a cliff into the roaring sea water below and drowned." He watched me for a reaction.

        "Oh! Yeah. I remember now. I was running away from these hunters who tried to kill me." He looked at me as if I was crazy. "I was wearing a deer suit that looked exactly like a real one. I guess it was hunting season and I stumbled into hunting grounds"

        "And you were wearing the suit...why?" He asked. "To run away and create a new future!" I pointed in a random direction, then I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm dead now, it doesn't matter anymore."

        "Yes it does. You're living in this world now, so find a new future." I smiled up at him as he ruffled my hair. "You're a good kid, so make the most of your life." Yolo again!!!

       "Thanks Uchiha ------"


guess who that uchiha is~six letters and there are many uchiha's with six letters in their name ^-^

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