Chapter 4: An Uninformed Farewell

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  Birds chirp above the branches, a wake up call for them, which spent the night outside. Jensen opened his eyes, dew drops across his face, he wiped them off and stare blankly at the rubbles of his burnt cabin. He looked around, Skylar was gone, the flattened area of the soft grass indicated her sleeping position last night.

  Jensen made his way towards the cabin, only to find burnt wood and ashes. He trembled uncomfortably upon the cold, winter has arrived. Skylar was there, kneeling on the ground, softly caressing something in her palm. Jensen moved forward, only to find a frame, left undamaged but lightly burned, corners of the photo within were blackened by the hot ashes.

  He took a good look at it. Their wedding photo, very simple clothes on them, his blazer looks oversized and the trousers looked saggy, while Skylar was beautifully groomed, stunning. Their parents weren't there, all lost in the world war, but that moment concealed in the photo was one of the happiest moments he enjoyed in his life.

  Skylar stood, her gaze not leaving the photo, her short hair swayed with the wind. Jensen went forward and gave her a hug, she sobbed softly on his shoulder. Jensen patted her back, he understood her sorrow which he now feels too. Jensen's patting was gentle, stroking her back halfway sown her spine while she sobbed.

  They built the cabin themselves, which was why they feel that deep sorrow after it was destroyed, it contained lots of memories, but now burned down to ashes.

  Jensen still decide to not let go of her until she calms down. He kissed her lightly on the forehead and continued to pat her back, to calm her down, his responsibility, his priority, all that for the one he loves.

  An Arbiter showed himself from behind a bark, Jensen drew his blade almost immediately, parrying the shots and make a dash towards the Arbiter. The Arbiter unsheathed his melee weapon, which is a broadsword and blocked his attack.

  Jensen delivered a devastating series of strikes to the arbiter, his rage allowing him to thrive in battle, slicing and slashing pieces of flesh away from the arbiter

  "How dare you shoot my wife!" He yelled as the arbiter's blood sprayed violently, painting the ground red. The red liquid dripped from all the wounds opened on the arbiter, Jensen severed both his arms and deliver a final blow which takes off the head, his rugged clothes all wet with his enemy's blood.

  Jensen panted, his exhales sent puffs of white smoke out in front of him as he knelt down, stabbed his blade once more onto the arbiter and lie down onto the ground. Skylar froze, the first time in her life that she saw Jensen boiling with rage.


Sapphire Village 7:54p.m.

  A friend of Jensen offered them a night in his house, after knowing that what the Arbiters had done to him.

  "Stupid Arbiters, their believes are bullshit, and they do stuff like this? No way." Kyle exclaimed.

  Jensen sat opposite his best friend, capturing warmth from his mug of coffee.

  "I killed an Arbiter. Violently." Jensen informed coldly.

  "Well that's nice, I like it." Kyle laughed.

  "That's not, if I was found out doing this, I'll be dead." Jensen replied.

  "Your martial arts favor you, who cares, just slice your way through!" Kyle yelled.

  "I hope so." Jensen murmured to himself.

  Jensen awoke in midnight, this time intentionally. He used Kyle's desk for writing, left a note behind the dining table, crept out of the house and ventured into the darkness.

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