Chapter 12: Return Of The Lost Leader

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  The piece of wood was slammed gently for once, then twice, then twice again. The door swung opened, the correct knockings proved that the visitor was not hostile.

  "Trevor?" Skylar was surprised that the boy appeared on her doorstep in such early morning.

  "They're here. All of you have to go." Trevor informed.

  "For Jensen?"

  "They're looking for you."


  "No joke. They're coming, be quick, I'll  keep a lookout." Trevor stated and slammed the wooden door shut, sprinting into the darkness.

  Jensen was already awake, his keen instincts saved him more than once from threats like this. "Raiden." He called while shaking him awake, his eyelids bolt open, knowing something was wrong. "They're here. We have to go." Jensen informed as he gather his belongings, slinging his old blade, safely kept within the old steel chest within the cabin. He swung the piece of steel, cutting through empty air. He smiled when he noticed the reflection of half his face and the flickering flames on the piece of steel. "You kept it in good condition. Thanks." He spoke as he slung the blade over his back.

  Jensen exited the cabin as the fires died behind him, sinking the wooden house into the darkness of dawn. "We're all under danger. I haven't done my main objective yet." Jensen whispered.

  An Arbiter entered the sight of Raiden, he drew his blade, but keeping low in case the reflection of flames on the steel gave their cover away. The Arbiter was heavily armed, with more Kevlar than fabric, the tinted glass on the helmet completely concealing the Arbiter's identity. Skylar drew her crossbow, the arrow perfectly fit on the piece of wood, the strings ready to propel the arrow forward. She rest her finger on the trigger, elongating it while waiting for the perfect time to fire the deadly weapon.

  The trigger clicked and the arrow fired, cutting through the air, slicing through the wind and found its mark on the neck of the Arbiter, the flint burrowing into the flesh of the Arbiter, piercing through the fabric. Blood sprayed from the wound as the Arbiter choked and clutched the arrow, his shout was muted into a sound of somewhat suffocation, and collapsed onto the firm ground, inch of his body still jolting occasionally.

  Jensen equipped the combat rifle of the Arbiter and took another sleepy soldier down with a bullet on the shins and the markings of steel on the neck of his. He have to sacrifice stealth for speed, the first bullet he fired gave his location out. Three set of footsteps was heard by all three hunted victims from different directions. Jensen drew his blade, this time preparing to face his enemies.

  "Drop your weapons or we will fire." An Arbiter yelled from behind. The whistle of an arrow was heard after the shout, and a sound of piercing flesh entered the ears of everyone. The lifeless Arbiter flew a short distance backward upon the sudden impact, blood pooled and dyeing the earth crimson.

  Jensen parried a bullet that came flying from his left side, a spark flew upon contact. He attempted a dash, but his damaged thigh slowed him a little, causing his movements to falter upon the pain. The blade cut through the wrist of the Arbiter, blood sprayed violently from it as he yelled in pain. Another quick flash of steel sliced the neck open, picking up the kill easily, the third Arbiter was struck down by Raiden, with a severed arm and open neck as well.

  The three breathed heavily. "Is that all?" asked Raiden. No thundering footsteps approaching, just the silence of a sleepy dawn covered the whole village.

  A crack of a glass broke the quietness, Jensen spun his head to the source of the sound and found an Arbiter in cover, his helmet's glass cracked open, lines of broken glass spreading like spider webs on the helmet. The Arbiter flinched upon the impact, another stone whistle through the air, finding its mark on the Arbiter's eye, burrowing deep into it and sending a spray of blood to dye the tinted glass crimson. The Arbiter screamed in agony then fall unconscious. Jensen ran the sharpened steel through the neck and ended the life of his victim.

  Trevor emerged from the forest of trees, beaming upon his assistance on Jensen's kill with satisfaction. "That was nice." Jensen complimented. "I promised you I'll keep a lookout." Trevor replied with a smile.


Drow Village 6:56a.m.

  The light of dawn peeked from the mountains, forming warm shades of pinkish red then expanded into stripes of orange and yellow. The sun painted its drawing well.

  Jensen sat on a hill, the grass swaying with the wind as he admired the beautiful works of nature. The sun served as a natural illumination, blending its colors with the surroundings, coloring the earth. Jensen felt the weight of Skylar's head on his right shoulder, she smiled lightly, living the moment.

  The early mornings of spring proved itself wet with dewdrops from greenery. Jensen made his way into the main building of the village, a church, the most grand looking building among all wooden cabins. The church was the most completely built, cement and bricks supported the building instead of wood, chandeliers hung high above on the ceilings, the illumination within the church never died.

  Jensen brought his feet onto the stage of the church, his boots emitting a hollow sound when coming in contact with the stage floor built with wooden planks.

  The church was filled with people a few minutes later, all took their seats and trained their visions on Jensen, walking back and forth on the stage until Trevor shut the large doors of the church.

  "Greetings. It's been a while." Jensen began. The crowd made a light applause upon his comeback.

  "Arbiters, as you all know, are limiting knowledge to pass down to our minds, believing that knowledge can plunge us all into a complete downfall." A few nodded to his explanation, some cheered in agreement.

  "After so long of their doings, lies, what they promised us for a matter of protection cannot be true. I as a prisoner of the Arbiters had foresaw what they were doing, their main objectives to be a selfish community, to kill us all, brainwashing the generation." Jensen continued. Most people gasped and glanced upon him in disbelief.

"Raiden and I, as the only ones who escaped from the station witnessed many deaths of innocent people, despite their protest of innocence, the foolish believes of the Arbiters considered them as a corrupted being and killed them. All the hired soldiers who entered the Arbiter station for greater good were brainwashed, we saw the process and it proved itself cruel." The crowd remained silent.

  "For all we had suffered, for all our loss, it is our time to fight back, to reclaim what is ours, to make our future generations! They started the war that almost perish us, now they must pay for what they have done!" Jensen exclaimed, his voice echoing through the halls.

  "We can wait no more, we do not have to suffer no more, we show them what are we!" He yelled. The crowd burst into a loud cheer, after all they needed a leader, individual protest isn't an option, for all the trust they develops within Jensen, they found a leader, the one who can guide them through the darkness, the one that can show them the way.

  "Let the Revolution begin." Jensen whispered to himself, a smile under his statement.


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