Chapter 11: Homecoming

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  Falkner's stood on the branches of the treetops. His gaze pierced through the soft mist covering the mountains. A soothing gale blew, caressing through its feathers. Its been years since Falkner seen his master, the unbeatable swords man that was stricken down by a thin steel.

  The eagle spread his wings and took off, gliding across the sky, patiently searching for its prey. Falkner was a free eagle for years already, living on its own in the vast mountains, loneliness was always a friend of his, following him all around.

  The squawk of the eagle echoed through the forests, he found his prey, down the stream as it descends swiftly to the flowing current. An unconscious Arbiter entered his keen vision.

  He remembered his mission, similar to his master's, eliminate every Arbiter he encounters. Falkner pecked through the broken glass into the skull of the Arbiter, drawing the crimson liquid, he continued drilling it's beak over and over on the surface of the Arbiter's skull, pecking furiously until the sound of fractured and cracked bones satisfied its ears. Falkner stopped his assault and peered deep into the forest, his beak dripping with blood. A trail of footsteps embedded on the muddy grounds.


  He took flight once again, this time keeping low, venturing into the depths of the woods and went to search for his prey. The pathway of blood proved the search easy, an eagle's movement is always faster than pacing speed. Falkner kept his gaze on the three figures walking, one of them with a damaged thigh, slowly walking his way lead by a boy, one of his legs are dragging along the way. That looked like his master, no, he looks more trained, more muscular than before.

  Falkner emitted a cry and the three figures turned back to find the source of the sound. His master's face shown himself, sweat trickling down his chin. Falkner abandoned his cover among the branches and flew towards his master.

  "Falkner!" Jensen exclaimed, a laugh accompanied his voice as well. The eagle rest his talons on his master's arms, enjoying his master's soothing caress over its wings and head. Falkner took off again, now for the sake of his master, scouting ahead for danger and playing his role as a faithful companion, serving his master once again.


Drow Village 2:34p.m.

  Two knocks echoed through the cabin. Skylar noticed the faint sound. Its been long since visitors show themselves upon her doorsteps. She lived alone with a few of her skilled weapons which favored her well since the day she mastered them. Skylar unbuckled the crossbow from the wall and approached the door. An arrow was loaded and ready to fire upon the nudge of the trigger.

  Skylar kicked open the door, bracing what's ahead and holding up her crossbow, which aimed up to a familiar face.

  "Skylar." Jensen whispered ahead the doorstep. She lowered her crossbow, the piece of deadly wood fell onto the floor. Skylar looked upon the face of her husband, a bond which never forgotten, a bond which will forever continue.

  She threw her arms around Jensen as she sobbed onto his shoulder. Jensen patted her back slowly, caressing her gently, for so long he didn't see someone he loved so much. All the pain forgotten for the moment, all the hardships endured were worth it, just for the face of his other half.

  Skylar followed the line of his tear stained face after the almost one minute embracement. Jensen pressed his lips against hers, savoring the moment he haven't felt for three whole years, the feeling he missed so much. Skylar savored the moment, she missed the moments, she missed everything regarding him, too long have she flipped over the old photo album and feel the edges of the papers while tears dripped from her eyes, photographs and memories were the only material that stiffen her fragile heart , and reaping what she sewed, repeating the process with every single glance and thought.

  Jensen sat on the comfy sofa armchair, his left thigh neatly bandaged and the bullet removed by the skillful beak of his faithful companion. Raiden fell asleep in a corner where the dim lights flicker from the fire place. Skylar sat opposite her other half, both of them glanced at each other, smiling towards their life companion once every few seconds. The moment, priceless for them, and the both of them never felt warmer since the imprisonment of Jensen.

  Jensen moved forward and plants a good long kiss on her forehead, she smiled, her happiness finally showing. The warmth surged through her. Skylar returned one on Jensen's cheek, which he smiled happily like a little boy offered a candy.

  The night went on with many words, questions and answers. Although Jensen was sleepy between the conversations but he kept himself awake, who knows when will be his last day? A talk between the both of them hasn't been carried out for long, and they savored the night, the dim lights bringing warmth to cure the coldness of spring nights, two mugs of hot tea on the wooden table ahead if them, steam briefly rolling out from the ceramic containers.

  Jensen couldn't cope his tiredness when the clock strikes two, he squeezed with Skylar onto the single mattress, sharing a pillow as well, Raiden already snoring like an express train on one of the sofa armchairs.

  Skylar threw her arms around Jensen, hugging him tight, "Not letting you go tonight." she squealed with a smile as Jensen hugged back, "Not letting you go tonight." Jensen replied. The two laughed.

  Jensen felt a pair of lips pressed against his before he falls into the depths of his minds and into his dreams.

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