Chapter 13: Massacre

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Year2088 October 28 Area 57

  Julian concealed himself within the bushes, his blade glimmering under the dim illumination of the moonlight. His companions all doing the same. Their blades all ready to draw blood, desperate to taste the crimson liquid.

  "People of god are we, who can defy us. Basking under the lights of a thousand suns of hope. With steely resolve and fearless steps. Together, we write our destiny." The crowd within the thick midst of trees mumbled.

Julian took the lead, his fellow companions followed, singing the words of wisdom, readying themselves for every sacrifice. They were braced. The ruffling of the bushes interrupted the silence of the night, lazy Arbiters yawned in their process of patrol, doing a few stretching exercise in a fixed pause.

  Julian raised his hand, with three fingers, every single eye fix their gazes upon the sweaty palm of his as his fingers started to withdraw back into a fist one by one. A countdown. The team felt anxious, but none of them even attempt to seal fear within their hearts, they were all going to die.

  As his fingers all withdraw into a fist, the team stormed out from the thick forest, stealth wasn't a weapon anymore, their shouts of rage echoed through the night, expressing their rage and bravery as their footsteps thundered towards the Arbiter Station. The revolution has begun and bloodshed is guaranteed.

  The noise of steel against steel boomed in the silent atmosphere, bullets clashing with the steel of the blade. Julian land the impact of his blade upon the neck of the patrolling Arbiter, blood pouring from the wound as his scream gurgled with the blood. More Arbiters began to storm out from the gates of the Arbiter station, wielding their ow arsenals.

  "Make sure no one lives!" Julian exclaimed. The team yelled in agreement as they recklessly charge towards the front line of Arbiters, few of them were shot dead before they can successfully reach their enemies. Julian darted through the team of fighters, cutting down the first line of Arbiters swiftly and prepare himself for the upcoming squad of enemies.

  Blood sprayed everywhere across the vast battlefield, clashing of steels appear unnaturally frequent, thundering noises of gun fire echoed through the night, accompanied by the screams of wounded people.

  Julian continued his merciless assault against his enemies, his piece of steel coated in blood as it dripped down the sharp tip of the blade. His teammates began to light up the headquarters, sparks flew upon explosion of electrical appliances.

  The team proceed deeper and deeper into the depths of the headquarters, searching through every office, every room for the leader of the Arbiters.

  "Coward." Julian spat as his search showed no results. His bloodstained boots creating crimson footsteps on the white carpets of the headquarters, his teammates were killing every single Arbiter left in their stations. This revolution was a huge success, but not yet until Sven can be found.

  Julian walked alone, the shouts and gun fire behind him turned into a distant roar as he progress into the depths of the station which he was unfamiliar with. He was sure that the remainings of the noises are still within earshot when silence arrived so suddenly. He headed a brief ringing in his ears as he looked back, a huge steel door was present behind him, sealing his only exit. Julian did not panic, instead he moved forward, deeper and deeper until he can find a solution to his own problems.

  The narrow corridor lead him to a vast room, unlike offices and departments which had white carpets and bright lights illuminating the environment, this room had a higher ceiling, solid gray cement floor with pitch black paintings decorating the room.

  A door behind him closed again, this time with a loud roar of metal gears bringing the door down and a faint click that seal the door shut.

  "I know you're here, Sven. It is an act of cowardice to conceal within the shadows." Julian mocked. Not long after did Sven made his entrance from another steel door just opposite of Julian.

  "Surrender now and I will spare you, you have no where to run." Julian offered. Sven laughed, humiliation present within his tone.

  "I should be the one saying that. I always have a plan. You failed big this time, Julian." Sven mocked, smirking. A screen descended from the ceiling, all camera footages, featuring Julian's teammates being shot by Arbiters, one by one collapsing to the ground, outnumbered, outfought and worst of all, cornered.

  Julian's eyes widened as he witness the death of his people, he cursed his underestimation. "Now I will be the one giving choices." Sven smiled. "I can spare you, but, you have to be one of us. Or you can fight for your freedom, if you can defeat me, then you are free to go." Seth offered. Julian gritted his teeth.

  "I will not be one of you." Julian said calmly after a brief pause. "It doesn't have to end like this, my friend." Sven replied, a hint of sorrow in his tone, disappointment within his frown.

  "I'm sorry." Julian drew his blade.

  "Wait til you see who's going to be the one apologizing." Sven drew his blade.

  Sven blade was slim, light like a fencing blade, deadly. Both of their blades reflected the lights from the ceiling. Sven performed a lunge, Julian dodged with ease, his counterattack was then parried by Sven.

  The clash of steel echoed almost endlessly in the room, furious strikes and rapid strokes, equally deadly. Julian slashed Sven in the abdomen, opening a wound as he winced in pain, the slim steel of Sven then whipped through Julian's upper arm, blood streaming from both wounds.

  The battle continued with plenty of new gashes and injuries, but the winner of the fight was not yet determined. The wounds on both fighters were almost fatal, too much blood. Through pain and agony, they continued, though the chances of living were small, a winner must be chosen.

  The decision was made when Sven severed Julian's right hand, he grunted instead of a scream, his endurance of pain was almost extreme. Julian was handicapped, his blade hand severed, and he could do nothing, defeat was his only option. He knelt, blood from the wound streamed onto the ground, forming a small pool of crimson.

  "I really wished you had won me. I never knew it would end this way, I would very much want to spare you but I hold tight onto my words all the time." Sven sighed. Julian's head lowered, he was prepared for death, he was braced for everything.

  "Do me a favor, please." Julian requested. Sven nodded, tears in his eyes. "Bring my blade back to my sons, never tell them I died." Julian said, his voice trembling.

  "I will not disappoint you." Sven accepted his task. He drew a revolver, pulled the trigger as the bullet slammed into the skull of Julian with a loud bang.

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