Chapter 5: Crossroads

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  "Where is he?!" The commander yelled towards Kyle.

  "I don't know..." Kyle answered, his voice trembling, fear overcoming him. The commander threw Kyle, his back slammed against the wall as he winced in pain. Three Arbiters flooded the room and ransacked it, almost ripping everything they come across which are able to hide someone in it.

  "Check the girl." The commander ordered. An Arbiter searched through her pockets and found the note.

  "Skylar. Its Jensen here. I know the Arbiters are going to find me already so I escaped into the wilderness, I will not inform you my location, in case if this falls into the wrong hands. Be safe. Love, Jensen."

  "Commander, he's on the move." The Arbiter informed.

  "Acknowledge. We have a pest to get rid of."


Area 95 10:34a.m.

  Jensen was well equipped, Kevlar he got from the dead Arbiter, a combat rifle, small daggers and his most skilled arsenal of all times, his blade. He's a nomad now, with no home, no where that he belong to. He killed a rabbit before dusk arrives, cooked it with hot ash as starting a fire would be too risky. It tasted bland, Jensen finished the food in disgust.

  Day after day he remained in hiding, slitting the throats of unwary Arbiters and leaves a trail of blood whenever he goes, once the enemy lies in his gaze, it never gets to escape.

  The earth was covered in snow, flakes of them drizzling from the skies above. Jensen marveled at the scenery in front of him.

  Vast fields of white snow covered the terrain beautifully, Jensen's thick coat are also dominated by snow, painting him all white, a perfect camouflage as well for him. The sun shone warmly, two mountains intercepting its light, Jensen smiled happily upon the stunning scenery but a strange feeling obstructed his happiness.

  "If only Skylar was here..." He sighed. Already missing her although its just a week, how missing somebody can be so painful and so hard to forget at once, a mixture of emotions.

  Jensen walked aimlessly towards the mountaintops, he always walked aimlessly towards a random direction since he left, killing every Arbiter he came across. He reached the peak after two nifty hours and enjoyed his reward. The scenery from the mountaintops are stunning, endless waves and waves of white snow applying itself onto the once green earth, his view was misted by the drizzling snow, like a rain of feathers. An eagle flew towards his direction, its wings lightly covered with snow and emitted screeches that pierced the howling winds.


  Jensen noticed something unique on the eagle, a broken talon. "Falkner!" He yelled. The handsome eagle replied with another screech. Jensen laughed as the eagle came to a stop on his arm, right below the elbow.

  Falkner's a long lost eagle of Jensen, they are the main messengers after the World War 3, pigeons and owls are too weak to fly under harsh situations and circumstances, a reason why eagles are selected to deliver information and scout for surroundings due to their durability and strong sustainability, their weapons which are the beak and talon also favors in defending itself and the its master.

  Jensen took the content from Falkner's beak, its a disc, he examined it carefully. Its a device crafted before the world war 3 to deliver voice messages to people. Jensen clicked the button and the commander's voice entered his ears.

  "Jensen. I am the commander of the Arbiters, you should know about that. We find your skills very promising and deadly. So we would like to give you two options. One, to continue hiding and assassinating our Arbiters. Two, to join us as an Arbiter. However, we are not going to let you win easily, of course. We have your, wife, with us, she certainly is beautiful and you know what we're going to do with her. Maybe have some fun first... then enjoy moments of her dying voice... Yes, of course, we spare you time as well. You have three days to come back to Kyle's house. The time starts, now." The voice message ended and numbers showed itself on the glass screen of the disc. A seventy two hour countdown.

  "Three days..." Jensen murmured. He kept the disc into his pocket, and almost instantly took off back to where his heart goes and where his mind follows.

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