Chapter 8: Essential

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  "Raiden." The word that jolt the Japanese guy awake. He tried to speak but noticed a hand over his mouth which restricted him from voicing out. Raiden glanced upon the figure that muffled his voice. His wide opened eyes turned to relief as he recognized the person that did so. Jensen smiled at him, a finger over his lips as to inform him to remain silent. Raiden glanced at his prison door, wide open with a few lifeless Arbiters lying on the bloodstained floor.

  "I knew you could do it." Raiden whispered. "Thanks to your ideas, it worked out." Jensen replied and gave him a suit of Arbiter armor. "Camouflage" He explained.

  The two prisoners walked through the corridors unnoticed by any of the patrolling guards, their confidence grew as they approach the exit, closer and closer to freedom until they saw the person they most desire not to bump across. Seth. Their heartbeats quickened as Seth enters their visions, despite the commander was clueless about their identities, but being sent back to jail and whipped up wasn't a good option either. "Risk it?" Raiden asked. "Hope it worked." Jensen replied, his voice mildly trembling.

  As they were no further than a foot away from the commander, he stopped them, which is exactly what they expected. "State your reasons of exiting this door, Arbiters." Seth ordered. "Code 1478 and 1479, duties for scouting and patrolling Arizonian terrains, shifts." Jensen answered, his voice bolded to make him sound different. "Names?" Seth asked. "Ned Dingle, Jeffrey Talis." Raiden answered. "Good, now off to your duties." Seth ordered as the two Arbiters make their way out of the Arbiter Station.

  "Commader Seth Erin speaking, Halco, secure area 37, initiate elite melee combatant Arbiters, make sure they do not escape."


Area 37  11:46 a.m.

  Spring arrived, showering the earth with shades of bright greenery, flowers blossom beautifully according to their seasons. Both swordsman took off their Arbiter helmets and enjoyed the essence of spring. "Three years it had been since we see the day." Jensen exclaimed, stretching his arms while doing so. Raiden smiled happily, his widely spread lips and neat rows of glimmering teeth reflects the level of his happiness.

  Jensen still walks in caution despite he surpassed Seth. There must be something up the commander's sleeve. "Prone. Discard your armor." Jensen ordered. Something's not right. Raiden unarmed with Jensen, they sprawl onto the floor as to camouflage themselves together with nature. 

  A few Arbiters storm out from the bushes and scanned the surroundings, they're all equipped with blades instead of combat rifles. "Sir, area 37 clear." An Arbiter informed. Jensen smiled, his blendings with the surroundings sure allowed him to hide his way through. "Impossible. Use your infra red." The voice boomed out from the walkie talkie. "Curse it." Jensen whispered as both of them stood up immediately, drawing their blades and cutting down the Arbiter with the communication machine.

  The other Arbiters were alarmed, drawing their weapons and prepared for an assault, finding their own opponents and ready to draw blood. Jensen and Raiden stood back to back, each having two enemies.

  The clashes of steel echoed through the clearing of the forest, interrupted by chirps of birds and cries of animals, swift movements of the fighters whipped up blades of grass from the field. Raiden strikes like a Japanese swordsman (since he is a Japanese) wielding his blade with two hands and show precision within battles, his slash and slices steady and strong, briefly immobilizing his opponent with every parried blow, with every landed impact. Jensen always gripped his blade with one hand, improved skills and more accurate strikes after his imprisonment within the Arbiter Station.

  All four opponents were taken down easily with a few deadly strikes and confident parries. "Bloodshed in spring, what a terrible accessory" Raiden exclaimed, laughing after witnessing the defeat of his enemies. "And they label them as elite." Jensen mocked.

  "Would you like a taste of a real elite?" Jensen glanced back, Seth stood proud ahead of him, the fencing blade that once snatched his glory, the steel that stalked his pride. "I would be happy to taste that." Jensen answered, a smile on his face as he drew his blade, more skillful, more confident, lighter, deadlier. Jensen swung his blade randomly, testing its effectiveness. "Well then. We begin."


Area 62 Route 367 12:34 p.m.

  Jensen was almost out of breath, sprinting through the vast fields close to home with bullets flying from behind.

  "Gah." Jensen yelled as one of the bullets find its mark on his left thigh. Through crippled pacing and a painful sprint with a bleeding wound, the two took cover behind a fallen bark. "Creep our way through." Jensen whispered. The two inched carefully into the forest, filled with greenery, their shirts and pants clothed by wet mud, blending into the colors of the earth.

  Through trickling sweat and dripping blood, the two prison breakers inched their way home, for no where is safe, and security by the Arbiters, after three years of imprisonment, can be considered the biggest lie mankind had ever put trust upon.


UntrustableOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora