Chapter 10: Lies

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  Stumbling through rough terrain with an open wound, cursing the uneven grounds upon tripping over fallen barks, Jensen inched his way through the thick forest covering the surface of earth, painting it green once again from shades of gray and black.

  "Almost there." Raiden encouraged, leading the way through the waves of greenery. They came across a stream, crystal clear waters flowed gently downhill, a rare scene, for most sources of hydration from rivers were severely polluted by radioactive wastes. A boy was spotted across the gentle current, scooping a bucket of clean hydration and taking large sips of water from the stream, an expression of satisfaction present on his young face.

  "Who's there." The boy saw Raiden as he stood into a defensive position. He owned a sling, which is now spinning up to three rounds per second with a stone ready to launch from the chambers of the seemingly unharmful piece of cloth. Jensen showed his face, and a wide grin spread across the boy's face as he recognized the familiar image ahead of him.

  "Jensen!" The boy yelled as he leapt from rock to rock across the river and embraced him. Jensen winced upon the pain from his wound, but laughing as he felt the arms of the boy wrapped around him. "Its been long, Trevor." Jensen replied. "Are you okay? They freed you out of prison?" Trevor asked. "Down!" Jensen whispered as he pressed the head of the boy down and lie firmly on the solid earth. The rustling of the bushes triggered the suspicions within Jensen and Raiden. An Arbiter walked out from the thick leaves, his right arm shoving the greenery aside as he scanned the area.

  "I'm hunted. I broke out of prison." Jensen whispered. Trevor freaked out upon his statement. "No joke but no one break out of the Arbiter Stations before." He whispered back. "I must've been the first." Jensen replied.

  Trevor stood up quietly when the Arbiter retreated to a safe distance. He readied his sling, swinging the rock within it and preparing to launch the projectile. Trevor interrupted the flow of the current, causing the water to splash up noisily. The Arbiter turned back upon curiosity as Trevor accurately fired the deadly projectile from his sling. The sharp stone pierced through the air, instantly breaking the glass of the Arbiter's helmet and injuring the man within it. The Arbiter yelled in pain, Trevor guessed the stone must've at least cracked his nose. He launched the next projectile and the stone dug deep right between the eyes, instantly stunning the Arbiter and forced him into collapsing onto the ground.

  "We never knew how was your imprisonment, mind explaining?" Trevor asked. Jensen smiled upon the easy victory of Trevor. "Long story, but it will be told, filled with lies."


2098 May 28 Arbiter Station Prison 8:57p.m.

  Jensen's vision blurred, his eyelids were heavy, narrowing his visions. He tried moving, but his muscles refused to give way, only then he realized it wasn't his body's fault, his wrist tied with cuffs that linked to the metal chairs, his feet also glued to the legs of the chair with metal, another metal chain binds his waist to keep him from moving.

  Jensen didn't protest against the seals. He remained calm and firm, and waits for what the Arbiters have to offer.

  Seth entered his vision, taking a seat in front of Jensen and shifted to his comfortable position. Jensen looked around, the room was solid, concrete built, painted gray with a single yellow line cutting across the walls, besides the table and its attachments, chairs and security cameras, nothing else. Seth spoke into the microphone on the table.

"Skilled Assassin Jensen Interview. Seth." He spoke and glanced at Jensen.

"What is your reason for killing us?"

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