Chapter 17: Recalled

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2101 Drow Village 9:45p.m.

Jensen wrapped his fingers around his mug. Steam escaping from the clay liquid holder. The fires flicker unevenly in his fire place, bringing warmth to the night. He took a small sip from the mug, hot tea flowed down his throat as he exhaled with satisfaction.

Skylar was standing ahead the stove, the sizzle of fish on a pan hissed in the air. Jensen smiled as he approached Skylar, his arms wrapped around her waist. He plants a soft kiss on her cheeks. Skylar blushed and pushed him away softly, Jensen chuckled.

"You won't want burnt fish for your dinner. Don't interrupt me when I'm cooking." Skylar teased, her smile still present on her face. Jensen laughed and sunk back into his armchair and drew his blade, examining it the millionth time. The steel was well sharpened and polished, no scratches present on its surface. The blade glowed in the bright fire lights, reflecting the burning wood within the fire places.

Two faint knocks slammed onto the wooden door. Jensen approached the entrance as he swung the door open. "Dad." He smiled when he saw Halco standing firmly in front of him. Halco smiled back as Jensen ushered him into the cabin. "Hey." Skylar called out when she heard the familiar, uneven footsteps made by Halco. "Hi Skylar." Halco smiled, Skylar grinned back at him. "Sorry but I need to talk to Jensen for a while." Halco informed. "He's yours." Skylar reminded and chuckled briefly.

"Is there anything?" Jensen asked. Halco had been a second father to him, though he was told that his real father had been lost in the third World War. "Look, Jensen, there's something... important to tell you." Halco rubbed his palms, they were sweating. Jensen put both his hands on Halco's shoulders. "Calm down." He ordered. Halco took a deep breath.

"Jensen. I have to apologize. I have been telling you lies since you first know me."

"Really?" Jensen smiled, his tone mocking and shwoing hints of disbelief.

"Your father, didn't die in the World War 3." Halco began, his voice shaking.

Jensen nodded slowly. "Continue." He ordered.

"You might not believe me at first, but I believe someone can tell you all you deserve to know." Halco stepped aside, revealing a man standing tall. He looked like he's in his mid fifties, but age failed to weaken his strong muscles and firm posture. He had little beard, pupils were green, rather handsome. The man standing ahead of Jensen looked like a stranger and someone close, he couldn't tell his familiarity towards this man.

"Do I... know you?" Jensen questioned.

"Of course you do." The man answered, his light wrinkles emphasized itself under the street lamps.

"Who are you?" Jensen asked.

"Suppose the syringe they gave you erased most of your memory. By the way, I am Jim." The man answered, his voice was bold, firm.

Jensen pressed his palm on his forehead. "Jim, Jim, Jim..." Jensen whispered to himself over and over again, turning the name into an endless murmur. "Jim." He whispered it one last time and closed his eyelids shut, picturing the lost memories piece by piece. This man entered his old cabin before, he was carried away by some men in black suits and armed with deadly weapons.

No, no, wait, none of this happen before, it was just deja vu or something else, it can't be. Jensen clutched his head with one hand, his eyelids shut tighter. The memories were in broken pieces, like haywired projecters flickering with messy pixles.

"Nevermind, Jensen, we will go through this slowly." Jim offered. Jensen nodded.

" Lets tell the story one by one. Shall we?" Jim smiled. Jensen nodded again, curiosity filled his gaze. "You had a father after the World War, he survived. His name, was Julian." Jim began. Jensen repeated the name in his mind. Forget about Halco, only Julian. A face was present in his memories, blue eyes, high nose, rugged hairstyles, a sincere smile. "Done?" Jim asked after a brief pause. "Yes." Jensen replied.

"Good, now, Julian left his house for something important, leaving you, and someone behind." Jim continued. Jensen recalled the piece faster, his father was gone, he remembered that, but the another someone, there was someone with him, but he cannot see who.

"I can't remember the other someone." Jensen answered. "Thats okay." Jim replied.

"Now, the whole story. Julian, went for a revolution against the Arbiters, he was successful at first, but failed halfway when the Arbiters start to swarn from the outside. Julian had a duel with Sven, he did not accept his offer for working in the Arbiter station. Julian lost the duel. Sven killed him." Jim continued.

Jensen glared at Jim in disbelief, but did not react. "Who is Sven?" Jensen asked, ferocity present slightly. "That will be explained later." Jim smiled "Continue." Jensen ordered, his voice trembling slightly, a small hint of anger started to boil within him. Jim's eyes were wet.

"Julian was a very good friend of Sven. After Sven killed him, He wasn't able to forgive nor forget what have he done. So, he became traitor, and he went to you. The village you live now, was massacered by then. You and your brother was taken into the Arbiter station for brainwashing-" "Wait, who's my brother?" Jensen snapped.

"Allow me to finish it first." Jim ordered. Jensen relaxed and nodded.

"Sven was wounded, a cut on his abdomen, his wound was badly infected but despite that, he still sneak into the Arbiter station to rescue you and your brother. However, your brother is already brainwashed, while you were safe from their grasps. Sven was badly wounded in the process of saving you. I saved him at the brink of his despair. When we were escaping, his wound got the most of him, he told me to take you to safety." Jim exhaled.

"I heard gunshots from the building, he was brutally killed. I sneaked into the darkness and took you to Halco. I was not supposed to tell you all these, until you become leader, and now you are one, so these are what you deserve to know." Jim finally finished.

"I have one question." Jensen informed.

"Go ahead." Jim allowed.

"Who is my brother?" Jensen questioned, his tone furious.


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