Chapter 16: Promises

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  Sven expected the click of a trigger, and a followed loud bang of gunfire. What welcomed him was the click of the door handle, and the loud bang of continuous gunfire.

  Sven bolted his eyelids open, only to find an Arbiter with his combat rifle, as he took down all the remaining Arbiters that cornered him to the brink of despair. He nodded towards Sven, but Sven had no time to respond and went to Seth instead. Seth's limbs were cuffed to a steel armchair, screens with wires linked to the back of the chair flashed with information and data which Sven could not possibly read.

  "It's too late now! Take the other one! They'll be here any minute!" The Arbiter yelled. Sven recognized his voice, but time was crucial for him, responding to a statement could've cost him too much.

  Sven took his suggestion and limped towards Jensen, induced with sleeping syringe. He slung the body of the young boy over his shoulders, as the Arbiter lead him out the corridors. Bright lights entered his vision once again, white carpets bloodstained with his bootprints,

  The Arbiter favored the speed of Sven, moving in his suitable pace as both Sven's legs were injured and walking could prove itself a difficult task. The Arbiter held his combat rifle in his hands, the eyes within the tinted helmets gazing through the scope of the rifle, as if aiming an invisible enemy. The alarm rang in a high pitched, it hurt Sven's ears due the absence of his Arbiter helmet. Despite the loud noises of the ringing alarm, Jensen remained unconscious on the back of Sven, his breathing steady, his little body still warm. 

  Two Arbiters entered their visions, the Arbiter leading Sven fired two shots, followed by the shattering of the tinted glass on the Arbiter's helmets, blood streamed from the opening of the helmet, white carpets revealing dark crimson patches on it. 

  More sets of footsteps echoed from different corridors, Sven could hear them coming from both directions. "We're cornered, Jim!" Sven yelled. The leading Arbiter glanced back upon him, Sven could see a smirk under his glass of the helmet. "Who said so?" He teased and stood firm on the ground, scanning back and front while awaiting for the footsteps to approach. 

  As the footsteps came to a near distance, Jim unbuckled something from his belt, the fresh noise of clinking metals mixed with the uneven footsteps. "Cover your eyes." Jim ordered as Sven dropped into a prone with Jensen on his back. Jim threw the flashbangs in his hands towards both directions and he covered the glass part of his helmet with his forearm. 

  There was approaching footsteps, and an explosion followed with endless ringing in Sven's ears, the yells of Arbiters echoed through the corridor. "Quickly." Jim whispered and slammed his rifle onto the Arbiter's head which was blocking his exit path. The Arbiter dropped onto the soft carpets unconcious and Jim quickly stole his clips and revolvers and frag grenades from his belts. "The blinding would fade soon, make it quick!" Jim yelled. "I.. can't!" Sven hissed through gritted teeth. Jim quickly crouched beside him and checked his thighs. There was a severe gash, and a bullet burrowed deep down the flesh of his thigh, almost penetrating his bones. "Take Jensen! Don't tell him anything until he becomes our leader!" Sven yelled as red blood spilled from his mouth. Jim glanced back at Sven, his lips parted in a pained expression as he blinked his tears away.

  "No time to waste! Go! I'm hopeless already!" Sven yelled, and spat blood on the white carpets. He laid his tired body down and panted heavily, gasping for air. Jim knew he had no tme to hesitate. He quickly put Jensen on his back and strapped an extra belt to secure Jensen's waist to remain on his back. He took aim with his rifle and killed all two incoming Arbiters. The weigh of Jensen reduced his proceeding speed as he took down the Arbiters one by one, he was a skillful trainer of the Arbiters. 

  Not long after he reached the secret exit path he heard gunfire, but it was not from behind him, but from within the building, Jim sobbed, his tears flowed down his cheeks. "Death is unevitable" Jim whispered to himself as he sprinted into the darkness of the forest.

-----------------------------------------Area 78 2:12 a.m.

  Halco heard knockings on his cabin door. He awoke from his slumber, his footsteps slow and lazy to approach the door. "What visitors could come at hours such?" He mumbled grumpily as he unclocked his doors. Right in front of him was an Arbiter without a helmet, a child on his back. 

  "Jim!" The man exclaimed but his voice was muffled by Jim's hands. "I became traitor. I need you to do me a favor." Jim requested. Halco nodded. Jim unstrapped his belt and carry the little boy in his hands and hands it to Halco's arms. 

  "This is Jensen, son of Julian." Jim informed. Halco looked at the child in disbelief. He cradled it tightly. His wife's footsteps followed behind him, she pressed her palm onto her heart as her gaze focused on Jensen. "Oh my, Halco. What a lovely child. We always wanted one." She whispered and took Jensen from Halco's cradle. Jim rubbed his chin with very little beards, his blue eyes fixed on the child. "Raise him, keep him safe, keep him hidden from the Arbiters. Promise me." Jim requested. Halco looked at him deeply in the eye. "Thank you, Jim. I definetely will. I promise." Jim smiled and handed Halco one of his fully loaded combat rifles and a broadsword. "In case if anything happens. These may be put to good use." Jim offered.

  Halco accepted them and gave Jim a hug. Jim hugged back, warmth surged through his body. " I will be in hiding, don't ever tell him anything. Until he becomes leader of us all. When he becomes leader, I will find him, and you have a story to tell too." Jim informed, his voice softer. Halco nodded. "Thanks a million to you." Jim added as he embraced Halco again. "Be safe!" Halco whispered. "I will." Jim smiled.

  The doors of the cabin doors closed, Jim stood as he sighed. He put on his helmet, and his shadows dissapear into the cruel night. 

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