Chapter 18: A New Age

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2101 Drow Village 9:56p.m.

  "Have some more." Skylar smiled as she scooped a spoonful of baked potatoes on Jensen's plate. Jensen smiled, disguising through his midst of curiosity over the sudden truth that came out from the lies like light penetrating through the thick mists. He scooped a spoonful of potatoes and accompanied it with a few slices of fish, the flavors erupted like a soft scent which spread in his mouth. Food is comfort for the soul, true speaking.

  "What did the man told you?" Skylar asked. "Jim." Jensen corrected. "Okay, what did Jim told you?" Skylar questioned once more. "Its nothing, just the plans for the newly created revolution team." Jensen lied, his hands scratching his back. Skylar's eyes tried hard to capture Jensen's gaze and it gave a result.

  Jensen glanced at Skylar, their eyes met. Skylar could see frustration in his gaze. "C'mon, you know you can't possibly lie to me." Skylar got off her seat and wrap her hands around his neck. "What's wrong?" she continued asking. Jensen inhaled and chewed the contents that was just fitted in his mouth. "It's none of your concern." He answered and faked a smile. Skylar wasn't satisfied with his answer, and she continue her questions. A part of Jensen wants to yell at her and voice out how annoying she was, but no, she was just caring for him.

  "Look, Skylar, I don't feel like talking about this right now, can you give me a night to think? I'll tell you everything when I made up my mind and clear my thoughts okay? I promise." Jensen managed the sentence, his tone softer, and forcing a soft comment eventually softened his emotions and suppresed his frustration.

  Skylar smiled, the spreading of her lips sweet and thoughtful. "Okay then, just don't attempt to stress yourself off." She insisted. Jensen smiled back, this understanding and thoughtfulness could be the reason why he had married her in the first place. Skylar sat back to her wooden chair and continued her meal. "How's the fish?" She asked, trying to drag the topic away and prevent uneasiness. "Its good, village culinary to a new level." Jensen praised, Skylar laughed.

2101 Drow Village 1:21a.m.

  Jensen couldn't fall into dreams in the night, the truths all bombarded him so suddenly needed time to be accepted, processed through his mind. The flames in the fireplace still burning and giving warmth. He glanced upon his left side, Skylar slept soundly on the joined matress, strands of her short hair covered her face. 

  Jensen immersed himself into the symphony of the night, flickering flames, soft cries of insects, the hollow silence, all bringing calm to him and aiding his frustration. He sat up slowly, careful not to wake his wife, and carefully leaning his back against the wooden walls. Jensen was able to think in this posture, deep in and out, accepting every word that Jim had ever said and morphing them into memories and flashes of mental pictures.

  It took Jensen more than an hour to completely believe Jim's words, the spark that lights the flame. Everything he said was true, Jensen finally constructed the whole picture, capturing the memories piece by piece and fitting them into the right place, joining the correct dots and combining the messy images. The recall was completed, truths were accepted but the only thing Jensen could not cope, the one fact that changed the way he thought about his deadly enemy as someone he was supposed to love and care for. Seth.

2101 Drow Village Church 9:10a.m.

  The seats of the meeting table of the church was completely packed, discussions were heard within the tall building. The once church for prayings had turned into the main headquaters of the new revolutioners, the Purifiers, they call themselves. Their banners slid down the high cobblestone walls, symbolizing their territory. The logo of the banner was a verticle blade resting on a book, like a book mark, a yellow circle surrounding the logo and the background colours of the banners were red.

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