Them as the father of your children

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-"Son come here"
-"Yes appa?"
-"This is Cypher part 3 learn to rap it cause you're uncle Taehyung doesnt"

J Hope
-"C/N(Child's name)nnnnnnnn"

Rap Mon
-Breaks everything together.
-Your child inherited it from him now good luck.

-"Baby which one do you like?"He was asking you but you're daughter answered.
-"The Timberlands!"
-"That's my girl"

-"Reach for the high notes like daddy okay?"he says to his child and smirks at you.
-That was dirty.

-"How does it taste?"
-"It's amazing appa!"
-"Of course it's amazing I cooked it!"
-"And Im the most beautiful daughter in the world!"

-"Jagi where's C/N?"you ask Taehyung
-"Shhh were in outer space and act as if you're a steriod"your child suddenly appears.

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