Name reaction:Brianna

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Suga:Im Elsa!
B:Fine!Do you wanna build a snowman?
Suga:Go away Anna
B:Fuck you


Rapmon:Have you seen fifty shades?
B:And what are you on about?
Bias:Maybe we could do-
B:Bro!Hold on my virginity is-
Bias:What I was supposed to say is Maybe we could do a movie night later!

Jungkook:Okay Twenty questions.
B:Ill ask first!
J:Thats unfair but oh well
B:Whose the most beautiful girl in the world?
J:The one who Im staring at.
Brianna's heartbeat :------------

Jimin:So now that I found my jams We could talk about something else.
B:About what?
Jimin:How small my hands are of course!

Jin:So you're going to be babysitting the boys because I said so.
B:What do i get in return?
Jin:You get to live in the dorm.

Taehyung:Hey Anna.
B:My names Brianna not Anna!
Taehyung:Will you be tha Anna to my Kristoff tho?"

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