Name reaction:Destani

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Sugar:I really think were destined together.
D:What do you mean?
Suga:We may not be perfect but were perfect together.
D:Isn't that Rosanna Pansino's?
S:Well she always feature me in her vids.
D:Oh right a cup of Sugar.

J Hope:Destani?
J:Do you think I have a chance?
D:With whom?
J:With Destiny.
D:Bich you are better back the hell off!

RapMon:Do you know why Diss you?
R:Because you're Tani(tiny)
D:Fuck off!
R:See what I mean?

J:You do know you're hurting me right,?
J:You're still not giving me my Destani.
D:Stop being punny.
J:And what would you do about it if I'm destanid to be?

Jimin:So you are Destani?Nice to meet you.
D:You,'re not gonna do any puns on me right?
J:Blame this on Author-nim!She just chugged a frappucino and her stomach's churning.
D:I hate you Author-nim!
Author-nim:That was not your Destani to say!

Jin:Come on!
J:Can I make a pun?

Taehyung:You are my destiny,You know I need U,Our DNA's match,maybe we could even be Young Forever,You bring the Fire to my life and I'm willing to give all the Blood,Sweat and Tears for you...But you still Run and I want you to know that this is For You.

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