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That night, Emma had a dream that Percy and Annabeth had fallen into a pit, and it had looked like they knew what they were doing. But when she woke up, she started to cry. She had many reasons to cry: her brother and his girlfriend were in a pit, her boyfriend and friends could be anywhere in the world, and her best friend was upset and sad. Emma decided to go to Rachel to figure things out. Rachel tried to find where Percy was, but she couldn't find him anywhere. Emma then ran to the sea, and swam to the underwater palace of Poseidon to try to get some answers. The first person she thought of was Tyson. She went into his room, but he wasn't there, so Emma wrote a note and left it there on his desk. She then went to go find Poseidon. When she found him, he ran to go hug her and keep her on balance, and she wept and wept and wept salty tears into his salty sea shirt, not even getting it wet. He kept on mumbling to her, "I know... It'll be ok." And then he sent her home on a seahorse to go back to Camp. Back at Camp, Emma went to her salt water spring, and found there, a ring-a blue diamond with multiple white diamonds surrounding the blue one- with a note attached to the ring in Leo's handwriting. "I will love you forever. Love, Leo." On the back, it said, "P.S. This is a promise ring... please wear it every day. I love you."


Idk why there are so many rings being given to Emma in the story, but back then, I was obsessed with rings, and I kind of forgot that there was already a promise ring given to Emma. So, sorry for so many rings. I swear, it's like Lord of the Rings or something. lol 

Hope y'all enjoyed reading the headcannons so far!!!

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