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Over the next year, Percy and Annabeth left for Camp Jupiter. I couldn't handle sleeping in an empty cabin, so I decided to go to Poseidon's palace to stay there for a couple of years, and talk to people and get some grieving advice from the mermaids that were weaving seaweed. Poseidon made me special grieving potions for me, but they never worked. I decided that it was best to just go back to Camp, and hurl myself from a bridge, or something, because it had been five years since Leo had died, and I don't want to live in a world without him. It turns out, that Piper had a dream that I would commit suicide. She followed me to the bridge that I would be jumping from, and she sang to me to not jump, that I should never jump, and that she didn't want to loose me too. Piper saved my life that day, and that was the day that Leo found a way to get off of the island of Ogygia with Calypso.

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