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As Leo walked out of the magical elevator, he saw streams of light bursting out of the windows of the main hall of the gods. That has to be where Emma is Leo thought as he started running toward the hall.

All this time, Poseidon was going through the long process of making a goddess.

Once Leo got into the hall, Nico tackled him to block him from his wife's body. To be honest, Leo thought, Nico might be an actually good football player. No! Stop thinking about that, the most precious thing in my life is gone, and I need to see her one last time before Camp Half-Blood burns her body in the Poseidon shrine.

"Dude! What was that for? I didn't do anything to you!" Leo yelled at Nico for the second time today.

"For your information, I just saved your life," Nico sassed back, his eyes forced shut. .

"How-" Leo was cut off by a female gasping for her breath.


The first thing I saw was the ceiling. All of my thoughts that had been bundled up inside me were gone. I didn't have to think. After facing Death, all of my fears were gone. I realized that I had a golden aura around me, that I was fifteen feet tall, and I didn't look like myself. So this is what it's like to be a god... I pondered. I heard male voices arguing, and heard Poseidon whispering in my ear to change form.

"Just think of what you want to change into, and you will do it," Dad whispered.

I thought about my human appearance, and the golden aura went away, and I was regular, old me again, except there was something different. I was still me, I just didn't feel like myself. I felt like I had more muscle on my body than my weak, demigod body. I felt way stronger, like there was a whole lot more gold rushing through me, and technically, there was.

When I changed form, the bickering stopped, and I looked around to see where my visitors were. I turned around, and saw my fiance and my friend lying on the floor, Leo mid-punch, his mouth hanging open.

"Leo? What're you doing here? I thought you were at Camp!" I nearly screamed.

Leo just stood there, not moving. I had to walk up to him and shake him until he got out of his punching position so he could look at me.

"This isn't real..." I heard him mutter to himself.

"Honey, it is real. I'm alive again. I will be for the rest of your life," I said sweetly.

He looked up at me, and hugged me like I was going to die in thirty seconds. "In the hour I thought you were dead, I thought I would loose my mind and that I would never find love ever again," Leo said, muffled by my height difference.

I realized my mistake in form, and slowly got shorter to a normal human height.

"Leo, I love you more than anything in this world, and you know it. Death would never keep us apart," I said, pulling him into another hug.

"That's very lovely, but I'm going to have to go..." Nico said in annoyance.

"Nico, thank you for all that you've done with me today. I would have gone mad in that spirit-zone thing that I was in while I was becoming a goddess. It was all very confusing, and I want to thank you for leading me through all of the confusion before you leave," I said.

"You're welcome, Emma. I'm happy that I could help someone out at least once this year," he said bitterly, glaring at Leo. Nico turned around, and dissipated into the shadows.

"What was all that about?" I asked to both, my parent and my fiance.

"He's just cranky because of him saving my life, and I wasn't grateful until now. And he isn't even here for me to say thank you. Also, I'm pretty sure that he shadow-traveled a lot today, seeing that he got here before me," Leo stated.

"Dear, I will leave you two alone. If you need any guidance, I'll be talking to my brother in his little apartment," Poseidon said quickly.

"Ok, Dad," I responded.

And with that, he left. I turned to look at Leo, and he was staring at me, wide-eyed with wonder(lol Wonder Woman).

"Uhhh... Emma?"

"Yes, Leo?" I answered.

"We need to talk about what happened..." Leo demanded.

"Ok," I said as I tried out my newfound powers and conjured up two plastic lawn chairs so we didn't have to sit on the ground.

"Wow," was all Leo could say as he took a seat in the red chair while I sat in the blue one.

"I know; cool, right?" I said. Oh my gods... I'm such a geek. I'm literally fangirling over my powers, when I literally just escaped Death by a negative one hour. Ugh, focus on the main task at hand and get on with telling your lover about what happened, I thought.

As I was telling Leo about what happened, he started to tear up when I told him what my death felt like. I scooted my chair closer and placed my hand on his cheek, as if to say I'm alive, and that's all that matters right now.

Leo looked at me, and realized his mistake about crying in front of me about my death. He quickly wiped his tears with his shirt sleeve and hugged me tight.

All of a sudden, there was a pink poof sound that came from one of the thrones in the throne room. I turned my head to see that Aphrodite was sitting on her love seat in the throne room. She was staring at us with awe on her ever-changing face.

"Oh, don't let my appearance stop you from showing your love for each other!" she squealed with delight.

"Umm... We were trying to have a moment, Aphrodite," I said. "I'm sorry if I was being rude, but I just died and came back to life..." I said, being the awkward person I am. No, wait- scratch that- the awkward goddess I am.

"Oh, it's fine. I just wanted to see how my second favorite ship was doing? Do you think this goddess business will change your plans with the wedding?" she asked.

"We hadn't gotten to that part, yet," Leo said, "Wait- second favorite ship? Who's your first?"

"I thought you would have known already, Leo. My favorite ship is Percy and Annabeth!" she said as if to say 'duh' in a teenage girl's voice.

"All right," I said, unsure of what to say.

"Emma, I think that since you're now not a demigod, but a goddess, we should have the wedding sooner than we planned. We don't have to wait four years, now. Unless, you really want to finish college..." Leo said eagerly.

"I think that we should go through with getting married sooner. I want to marry you now," I said, a little too forcefully.

"Great! Then it's settled! You will be husband and wife by the end of the night!" Aphrodite squealed with delight.

"WHAT?" Leo and I screamed.


It is finally time for me to not be copying off of my pins from Pinterest and typing for myself! These kinds of headcannons are so much longer than the ones from Pinterest, right? But there is a downside to me not copying the headcannons I had already posted on Pinterest. This means that I will be typing a lot more words than you're used to, and that means that it will take a little bit longer than usual for me to update. Just wanted to tell y'all before you start freaking out. It will also take me a little bit longer for me to update because I'm also writing a Markiplier book as well. My life is very busy at the moment, so I'll see ya around!!!

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