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"You did say that you wanted to get married now..." Aphrodite said seriously.
"Yeah, but I didn't mean like, right now," I said in my defense.
"Well, would you want to get married now? I mean, it's not a bad idea. I wouldn't care if we got married in tunics for all I care! Just as long as I get to marry the love of my life," Leo asked.

"Leo, a wedding takes time. I haven't even asked my hopeful bridesmaids if they want to be a part of our wedding, yet. Hades, I haven't even started looking for a dress, yet. You really think we could get married in one night with the amount of things we haven't done, yet?" I asked, babbling like the nervous wreck I normally am. 

"Well, since you have a goddess on your side, I can take care of any wedding-related need, since I am the goddess of love. As for the bridal party, try IMing them. This could be the best party I've been to in years!" Aphrodite squealed with delight.

"Emma, that's not a bad idea. I already have my list of men whom I want to be my groomsmen, they'll be here when I need them. I bet that your hopeful bridesmaids would love to be your bridesmaids," Leo reassured me.

"Ok, I'll try to Iris Message them."

"Hey, better yet, why don't you try summoning them?" Aphrodite chimed in.

"Summoning them? How do I do that?" I ask in wonder.

"Picture them. Picture them in your mind right now. Picture them standing next to you very clearly, and then they will appear right in front of you," the beautiful goddess instructed.

I did exactly that. I imagined every female that  I wanted standing next to me on the altar. Piper, Hazel, Thalia.

When they all appeared, they came like a soft, yet strong sea breeze was carrying a feather. Two of the three were fast asleep. Piper still had her makeup on from our Halloween party, but she was snoring like the angel she is. Hazel was sleeping with a little bit of drool hanging off the side of her mouth, almost hitting the perfect, gold floor. The only person not asleep was Thalia. At first, she looked as though she was half asleep, but woke up as fast as she had appeared. She opened her eyes with a surprised look, then pulled out a dagger from her boot and started to lash out like her life depended on it. Once she realized she was safe, she had unintentionally awakened the other two I had summoned.

Something wasn't right. Someone was missing from my thoughts. Someone very important in my life that should be here right now, but isn't...


I look at Aphrodite. "Where's Annabeth?" I ask.

"I don't think you imagined her the correct way," she stated simply. Like that answer was going to help. I need Annabeth to be here, and she isn't. What is going on right now?

"As sincere as that was, it wasn't helpful as to why I can't summon her. I need her here right now."

"It's because you imagined her wrong. The wrong body type. I don't want to give anything away, so I'll summon her for you," she said sweetly.

In three seconds, the most important female in my life appeared, but something was different...

Very different...

Is she...?

Hey, guys! Here's a little something to show you that I'm not dead!!! I know you're going to get mad at me about that cliffhanger. Also, how do y'all like the new cover? Beautiful, isn't it? I edited it myself. I really hope you like it, because I'm not changing it again. I'm too lazy to edit another photo and download it onto my phone and go through the process of changing the cover. You're probably going to hate me for what I'm planning for the next couple of parts, also. But that's showbiz... Kid. Chicago reference!!! Anybody gonna fangirl or fanboy? No, just me? Alright. I'll just go and continue writing about this story and my other story.

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