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"When will the date be for our wedding?" I asked Leo. "Definitely  after you've graduated from college, and I know, that's in 4 years, but some people have waited 18 years to get married," Leo responded. "Oh, I was thinking the same thing as to when," I said. Leo leaned down to kiss my forehead. We were walking toward the fighting arena to go fight each other, to build up our strength. "Shouldn't you be in your cabin studying?" Leo asked suspiciously. "For what?" I asked with an innocent smile placed on my lips. "For your vocal exam that's in a week," Leo answered in a disappointed voice. "I still have a week to study! One more fight, and I'll go inside," I promised. I lifted my sword to duel with him, but he lit his hand on fire, and melted my sword. "You are going to study now. I don't want you failing this test," Leo said sternly. It has been five months since Leo asked me to marry him, and he's already mad at me, and I have no idea what I did to him, I thought. I gave Leo an angered look, and his face softened. "I'm sorry I melted your sword. One more duel, and then you go inside," Leo said. We dueled, and I won! Leo promised that he would be at my cabin to help me study for my vocal finanl... and make out in private for every question I get right. We made a bet, and he owes me a kiss and make out for every time I get a question right.

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