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I was out for three days. I hate to say this, but Leo is dead. I had been hoping too much for him to be alive, that I had illusions in my head over those three days. I saw Leo with this girl and they were on an island, and there was a burning dining table, and the girl was raging to him about how Leo burned her table. The scene then changed to the same island, but it was night, and there was a little raft and Leo and the girl were making out before Leo got onto the raft, and left. He promised to find her again, and stay with her, whoever she was. I woke up with a scream, and started crying my eyes out. "He's alive!!!" I yelled from the ground. No one had moved me to the camp's infirmary. My body hurt. I had shoe marks on my hands, legs, and face. Everyone that was left had trampled me, and it was like they didn't care about my safety.


Sorry for having so many of these, but I feel I should have an explanation at the end of these things and an apology for how many times Emma has cried her eyes out. Idk why I made her cry all of those times. In the future, I promise that she won't be crying, just holding back tears. Love y'all!

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