I Want It All

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"Marvin, I hear you've divorced your wife."

The phrase alone made Marvin wince with discomfort. "That is incorrect. She filed for it, I merely agreed."

Mendel smiled and jotted some notes down in his notebook. "I see. So, I'm guessing she discovered Whizzer?"

Marvin's jaw clenched. He didn't say anything at first. "Yes. Yes, she did."

Mendel's smile fizzled out. "So you did not do I as I said?"

Marvin frowned. "Yes. That is correct."

Mendel raised an eyebrow, confused. "And may I ask why?"

Marvin shifted in his chair and put his gaze on the ground, clearly embarrassed. "That's a dumb question."

Mendel quickly jotted a quick note of lashing out, then proceeded to ask yet another question. Or, rather, ask the same one again in a different way. "Why did you not tell Trina you were cheating, Marvin?"

Marvin's face turned red as he snapped his head up to face the shrink dead in the eyes. "Must I repeat myself? That's a dumb question."

Mendel did not give up. "Marvin." His voice was cold and, much to Marvin's annoyance, persistent. "You know why. Just tell me. It'll help, trust me. Blow off steam, y'know?"

Marvin's mossy green eyes flickered with a flaming hatred, along with his lips, which twitched angrily like a rabbit's nose. "Because I didn't love her."

Mendel forgot how much those words hurt him. Nasty, hate filled memories came flooding back. His parents disappointed tones rang in his head. He tried to shake it off, though, as he liked to stay professional, especially with Marvin.

"Well, then...why did you marry her?"

Marvin sighed, and hung his head low, as if he felt defeated. "Her dumb father liked me. When are you two love birds getting married? That's what he'd say. Every time we met him. The same...stupid, stupid thing." He said the word stupid like someone might say the word diarrhea.

Mendel's eyes softened as they began to kind of well up with tears. "Then..." A lump rose in his throat, and he was forced to swallow it, much to his extreme discomfort and disgust. "...came Jason."

Marvin's head slowly rised, and the shrink noticed that he didn't seem as angry anymore. It was like Jason was the thing he really loved, not Trina. "Jason," the gay man murmured. "He was the true miracle in that marriage."

Mendel nodded, as a small smile crossed the edges of his chapped lips. "Was Jason the....

"The one thing saving our marriage?" Marvin finished. He nodded sadly. "Yeah...yeah it was. But even that kid couldn't protect what I did. I'm not proud of what I did. Honestly, I'm not. Whizzer is a sweetheart and all, but what I did with is wrong. The things we did hurt Trina, and most importantly, they hurt Jason."

Mendel was on the verge of breaking down. "Well...in our last visit, and many visits before that, you mentioned that you wanted a tight knit family. Do you still want that?"

Marvin didn't say anything to that at first. Just a blank, glassy stare. It showed a real sign of hopelessness, which was rare for him to show. "Yes, I do. I really, really do. I want us to love each other, even though I do the whole family wrong. But, most importantly...I...I..."

Mendel leaned forward in his chair. "What do you want?"

"I want Jason to love me."

And with that, Marvin Turner cried longer and harder than he had in a very, very long time.

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