The Attic

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"Hey, wanna clean out the attic after breakfast?" Marvin's voice in which he said this seemed uninterested to a certain extent, but in all honesty, he couldn't contain himself. Sure, it would be kind of tough, after Whizzer's passing, to see all his junk in there, but he had been coping rather well lately and thought it was the best time to do this.

Jason didn't answer this simple question, just shoved some scrambled eggs into his mouth and chewed for an extended amount of time. Marvin chuckled and rolled his eyes as his took a sip of coffee.

"Jason, I'm serious. Do you want to? I really think you should...."

Jason swallowed. "I don't want to."

Marvin frowned a little. Sure, he understood, he knew Whizzer's stuff was up there, and he wasn't coping as well as he was, but at the same time, it kinda darkened the morning for him. He put a happy face on, though, for his son. Consider it a late present for kinda saving his marriage with a girl he didn't love for a little bit.

"Okay," he said, grinning. "I'll talk to you later then. Don't watch too much TV, and for God's sake, don't invite any more girls over."

Jason frowned. "Why not?!? Ugh, you're so unfair! You're just like mom, always bossing me around."

Marvin felt no guilt. Standing up, he prepared what he was going to say quick in his head for opening his mouth. "Well, I am your fucking dad. That's my job. I'll see you in a few hours. Love you."

He confidently strutted out of the kitchen, into the living room, and up the stairs, and then, finally, he reached his final destination. The dry, dusty smell wafted into his nose, and he took a huge breath in to absorb it all.

"Ah, I love this place," Marvin breathed. "Why don't I do this more often?"

Walking down the thin aisle of actual cleanness, he turned to his right and took a knee, rubbing his hands together before reaching to grab a flimsy cardboard box with Whizzer's High School Shit written on the top in black sharpie. Marvin chuckled as he ripped the box open. He remembered the exact day he put this box in the attic with Whizzer. Whizzer spent the whole time whining and bickering, which, yes, was cute beyond belief, but was also very nice to play around with.This was one of the things he did to play around, as Whizzer had said that his high school days were the best, so Marvin, being the ass he his, wrote the following.

Marvin's jaw dropped as his mossy green eyes saw all the wonderful things in there. He had remembered the day he put the boxes in there, but he forgot how fantastic the things in the box actually were.

Taking a big meaty hand, he rumbled around in the box, looking at all the golden gems. A yearbook. An old pop tart wrapper with a penis drawn on it. A sweater with a cowboy with rainbow colored pistols. And, Marvin's favorite, a box of half empty condoms with the words Reversed for Marvy in Whizzer's almost unreadable scrawl.

"I remember that first time," Marvin said breathlessly, his eyes almost exploding with light like fireworks. He let a little moan as he daydreamed about that drunken experience, thrusting into the box a little. The gay man finally realized that lustfully humping a cardboard hunk was rather creepy, and decided to leave this box alone for a while.

Jumping to his feet, he walked to the opposite side of the room, his eyes shooting over to something that had to be interesting. Joyfully running over to it, like a child running to a present of Christmas morning, he excitedly ripped it open, his smile way wider than he originally thought it would be.

"This was way more fun than I thought it would be," he said, his jaw practically hitting the floor and crashing down all the floors until it hit the hard, basement floor. "Now let's do this."

Ruffling through the box like he had done before, he found even more cool and absurdly quirky things, most of them being Whizzer's. A rubber snake. A picture of Ronald Reagan with devil horns drawn on with red sharpie. A old dick pick that Whizzer used to have hanging over the front door. All sorts of wonderful things. But the dick made Marvin hard, and before he knew it, he was violently thrusting this box too.

"Ugh, why am I like this?" he moaned, when he came back to senses. "I need to find something that doesn't turn me on."

He slowly launches himself up, and he walks to about the middle of the room, searching for something that had to be worth value. That's when some words on one of the boxes caught the corner of his eye. Wildly turning towards it, he slid down on his knees and yanked it open, childish giggles coming out like zany, quick silvia bullets.

In the box, sat the absolutely dumbest sweater in the universe and the chuckles only got louder as he remembered the fight that ensued when Whizzer bought it. He replayed the pleasant memory in his head.

"Marvin, you're being so immature," Whizzer had snapped, his eyebrows furrowed and his smooth hands cockily placed on his hips. Marvin had simply scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"You're the one in the sweater with a pixelated penis with sunglasses, and I'm the immature one?!" Marvin had shot back. Whizzer smiled, but not with joy. It was a vengeful smile, relishing in the anger this was boiling from Marvin at that very moment.

"Yes, sweetheart!" he exclaimed, a fake offended tone vibrating out like a kitten's purr. "This penis is my life! My livelihood! Can you just imagine me in those wicked shades?!"

Marvin gave him a flat look. "That's the problem."

Marvin's mind came down from the clouds, settling back down in his skull. Still chuckling, he stood, nice and slow. "This was fun. Still is. But I think I leave this where it is for now."

And with that, he slowly crept back downstairs, still laughing at the fact that his boyfriend loved a pixelated penis with sunglasses that Marvin once thought he could actually pull off. 

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