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My Falsettos one shots (the thing you are reading right now) hit 1k reads recently! Yay! That's pretty cool. I honestly don't know why I'm making this, because while reads do mean a lot to me, I don't really see the need to exactly celebrate it. But because I'm a weird, geeky preteen who just wants to fit in, I figured "what the heck, let's do this!"

So...yeah. Thanks for 1k reads guys and gals. 

Votes mean a lot to me too. Last time I checked I was at 90 something. Personally, I think votes should be celebrated more than reads, but hey, I don't write the rules. The International Internet Morons Who Have No Social Lives (TIIMWHNSL) do, and last time someone tried to rebel against them, they made them dab ten times. (Which, if you ask me, is a fate worse than death). 

But in all seriousness, thanks for taking time to read my stories. I'll make sure to hook you up with some more soon :D. Talk to ya guys later!

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