Breakfast For Two

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Marvin sat at the kitchen table, his stomach bubbling with anxiety and anticipation. Plates upon plates of food were scattered on the table, and the gay man scanned over all his hard work as he waited for Whizzer to awake to his Valentine's Day present. 

"He's gonna love this," he murmured, bouncing up and down in his chair. 

Whizzer almost always got up so early to make breakfast to fit Marvin's obsessive needs. But today, Marvin did something special. 

He glanced at his watch. 8:01 AM. Whizzer should be getting up soon. 

"Ahhh, I can't wait!" he whisper-screamed, feeling the other surprise in his pocket. It was so smooth, and it practically made him break into a nervous cold sweat just thinking about giving it to his boyfriend. 

That's when the grumpy thumping of Whizzer's feet came closer and closer. Marvin chomped down on his tongue to restrain himself from letting out a girlish ear shattering scream. 

When he heard Whizzer in the living room, Marvin  let out a soft, cooing, "Heyyyy, Whiz, how are you??"

Entering the kitchen, Whizzer began to let a lazy grunt, but then he noticed the grand display of food. "Sweetheart!" he gasped, eyes that were once weighed down with eye bags now wide and filled with a  wondrous surprise. "You didn't!"

Unlike the scream, Marvin couldn't restrain a face covering smile. "I did," he chuckled, standing up and accepting the hug Whizzer offered. The two shared a quick peck on the lips, and then sat down, ready to chow down. 

"I really like that new robe," Marvin complimented, helping himself to some bacon. 

Whizzer, although still kinda tired, couldn't help but let out a sly remark. "You'll like it more when it's on the floor," he purred, cocky smile and sly eyebrow raise turned up to full blast. Marvin chuckled a little and let out a little rawr. 

"I think you're right," he said.

Whizzer's smile somehow got even more smile absorbed. "I know I'm right, hottie," he said, his sexy purr tone still lingering like the dancing smoke of a cigarette.

Marvin rolled his eyes and took a forkful of eggs and bacon. "That's my Whizzer," he mumbled lightheartedly. 

Whizzer laughed along with his partner. "That's me," he said, pointing to himself like he was a freaking superstar. 

After a few more laughs, a weird silence fell over the meal. Marvin, worried by the looming nothingness, once again felt the smooth, felt box that contained his surprise. It was the perfect time to do this. 

"Whizzer?" Marvin's voice came across much more shaky and scared than it had a few seconds ago, which was reasonable for what he was about to do. 

Whizzer looked up from his food, which he was wildly shoving into his mouth. "Hm?" 

Marvin, his smile full of worry, happiness, and satisfaction, slowly stood and whipped out the little box. Whizzer's mouth fell open, a small mess of egg, bacon, and sausage tumbling out. "Marvin..." His tone sounded questioning, like he wasn't sure what was about to happen, yet at the same time, still was. "What are you doing?"

Marvin his smile almost miles off his face, slowly but surely, like time was going ten times slower, got to one knee, and almost as if it was automatic, the box flipped open, revealing the nicest, most sparkling pink diamond ring that either of them had ever seen. 

Whizzer jumped up, swallowing all his food whole. "Marvin!" he screamed. "Marvin, Marvin, Marvin!" He was wildly bouncing, arms flailing and all. 

"Whizzer Brown," Marvin started, voice shaking more than an earthquake. "Will you make me the happiest man alive and be my husband?"

"Yes!" Whizzer shrieked, hanging his soon to be hubby up and almost crushing him in a bone breaking hug. "Yes, I will!"

Tears streamed down both men's faces as they embraced each other, rocking from one foot to another for minutes upon minutes. 

"I love you, Whizzer," Marvin slowly cooed. 

"I love you too, Marvy," Whizzer said, his crying getting a bit louder. 

"This is gonna be so hard to tell the family," Marvin said, pulling away from the hug and gripping Whizzer's shoulders. 

Whizzer scoffs, tears flying from his eyes. "Who cares?" he says. "I'm with the man I love. And that's what matters."

Marvin broke down again, his chest throbbing with a love struck pain. Tears summersaulted from his eyes, trailing down his face like a stream. "I think you're the one who truly matters."

And with that, the two men embraced again, ready to express their love in a million new ways. 

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