The Chess Game

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"Are you going to move, Whiz?" Marvin snapped, adjusting his chin in his palm. He watched through narrow eyes as his boyfriend's hairy hand hovered aimlessly above his pieces. 

"I can do it!" he said defensively, making a bad move with his knight. 

Marvin winced, throwing his head back as he took a shot of scotch to drown out the disappointment for a second. "You sure, kid?" he questioned in a nasty sneer. 

"You're right, I blew it," Whizzer sighed in guilt, looking at his terrible move. 

"Aw, I think baby Whizzer needs help with big boy Marv," Marvin said condescendingly. 

"Asshole," Whizzer mumbled, leaning forward to get a better look at the pieces. "All I need is time to think it through myself!"

"Might as well just start over," Marvin stated with a harsh matter of fact bluntness. "We've already seen the worst."

Whizzer rolled his eyes as he retracted the knight to it's original position. Marvin let a small grin grow steadily against his hand's flesh. A few silent moments went by as Whizzer once again took his sweet old naive time with his plan of attack. 

"Move a pawn," Marvin suddenly blurted, seemingly reading the fact that Whizzer was starting to doubt his abilities on his face. 

Whizzer looked up, his face twisted in a weird sort of expression. Not disgust exactly, but something far from pleased. "Why? I don't wanna."

"Move a pawn!" Marvin repeats, this time in a loud bark. He shoots his hand out, trying to grab Whizzer's wrist. 

Whizzer leans back in his chair, successful dodging the ambush. His eyes dart nervously between all the pawns, eventually impulsively snatching up one of the middle ones. "Where?" he squeals, panicked, now overwhelmed by the choices of black and white spaces. 

Marvin growls in frustration, wagging an open hand at an open space. "There!" 

His panic makes him zone in on all the wrong things. "Where?!" 

"There!" Marvin screams back, his wagging getting more violent. "Jesus!"

Whizzer's eyes go wide as he slams down the pawn in Marvin's place. All the anger that had been building up, ever since they started dating, was about to erupt, and dear God would it feel amazing.  Marvin couldn't treat him like this, especially over a dumb game. His face slowly turns a dark scarlet, his pearly white teeth a wonderful contrast color. 

As his mind buzzed and his hands clenched, Whizzer started off. He needed to stand up. "Does it excite you to be so awful to me?"

Marvin stared intensely at Whizzer, lip curling in an animalistic way. "You think I'm happy about this! I hate hurting you, but I'm wired to be good at chess, and complete dumbass about it!" By the time he's done, he's screaming at the top of his lungs, his face having exploded in dark red too. The moment the last drop of spit flew from his mouth, the warm color drains from his face, and his expression grows weak. He reaches for Whizzer hopelessly. "Baby, I--"

"Stop trying to explain yourself out of your mess!" Whizzer growls, slapping the hand away. "I'm so damn sick of explaining!"

He glared at Marvin, no emotion but hate in his system. He didn't want to stomach Marvin's dumb games anymore. 

Marvin's hopeless expression turned by to anger, although to Whizzer it looked like nothing but disgust. He stood suddenly, his chair toppling over backwards. "Oh, you're trying to pin this all on me? I express emotion and you get all pissed? Well let me tell you something else, Whizzer fucking Brown! I want you to kiss me! Sure, we fuck and that's all great, but when it comes to the small stuff..." He pauses for a disgraceful scoff, looking him up and down. "'re hopeless."

"I'm hopeless? I'm hopeless?!?! All you ever do is get mad! You wanna know why I suck at cooking breakfast? My dad burned me for it! Wanna know why I'm so bad at chess? I've played twice in my life, not counting this time! You and your bullshit...these games we play...trying to convince ourselves that this--" he motions between the two of them. "--is okay. I don't have time for games anymore, Marvin." He sighs and stands, walking out. 

"Whizzer, where do you think you're going?!" Marvin yelled, watching his friend exit the dining room. "You can't just leave because of one little fight!" 

His voice sounded full of judgement. He coughed a bit more, more mocking spit flying. "It's petty! Petty!"

Whizzer ignores him, angry. And sad. And heartbroken. And pleased. Marvin had never been fair, it was his way or no way.  He couldn't handle it anymore. 

Marvin waits for an answer. An apology. Nothing...typical. He slumped back in his chair, sighing. His face naturally fell into his cupped hands, his elbows clattering over some of the pieces, not that he cared. This was all just too much. He was beyond pissed at Whizzer, he just wanted him to fucking understand, but at the same time, he loved him. He loved him so, so much, and even though he had never admitted it, thinking of losing Whizzer made his heart wrench with more of a sour burn than acid. 

Whizzer jogs down the stairs, leather jacket on and suitcase in hand. He mentally flips Marvin off one more time before slamming the door shut behind him. The harsh slam of the door is what broke Marvin down. It started small, with the whimpers that practically everyone makes as they try to restrain the cold emotion flood from them. Again similar to most people, Marvin couldn't hold it in for very long. 

His spine curved down more and more as the wails grew louder and more pathetic. It had a horrible impact on Whizzer too. The loud bang echoed in his ears like a war cry, making him tear up a little. His hand did not release the doorknob, as if he knew that deep down, way in there, he loved him. He would miss him. Unfortunately, this effect did not last as long on him. Within a minute, his hand slowly slid away from the smooth metal, and that was that. 

Marvin Turner and Whizzer Brown were officially through. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2018 ⏰

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