Open Mic Man

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"Marvin?" Charlotte hissed into the phone, holding her ear shut with one hand to block out some of the extra bar noise. "You better hurry, there's a pretty hot guy about to perform."

"What?!" Even though the lesbian couldn't see her best friend, she could picture his shocked, pale face. "Okay, I'm going faster! Screw those stupid silly speed limits."

Charlotte heard his big, clumpy shoe slam against the pedal, the engine roaring like an angry fierce lion. 

"I'll be there soon. When's the guy gonna sing?"

Charlotte looked over at the stage, where the man was standing at the edge of the stairs leading up to it, fixing his nice, gel filled brown hair. 

"About five minutes, I think."

"Good. With me and my poor judgement skills, I'll be there in three." That made Marvin chuckle, but all Charlotte could do was wince. 

"You're such a moron, you know that?"

"I'm not a moron, I'm just a lonely gay in need of sexy men."

Charlotte blew out some exasperated air. "You got problems. And lots of them."

Marvin chuckled, louder and more confident. "Well, driving ain't one of them. I'm here, I'll be in there in a few ticks."

Charlotte smiled, the warm phone only making it grow bigger. "Okay. See you in a few."

She held the phone down and pressed the red "END CALL" button. Waltzing over to her table, she sat next down to Cordelia. "Hey, baby," the caterer cooed. "Is Marvin coming?"

The two shared a soft, gentle kiss on the lips before the doctor responded. "Yeah, he heard that a cute guy was gonna perform and he probably broke a dozen speed limits to get here."

Both women cackled loudly, only adding to the crazy hype that suddenly filled the air. Screams and wails of happiness and confidence boosting filled the alcohol smelling air. 

Charlotte's eyes widened. "He's going on stage!" she exclaimed, squeezing her arm and shaking it wildly. "Marvin better get here quick!"

Cordelia glanced at the door, where she saw their friend come in, sweaty and red faced at that very moment. "Speak of the devil," she murmured, smiling and chuckling an airy laugh. 

"Sweetie, be nice," Charlotte said, playfully nudging her partner. 

"Hey guys," Marvin said, slumping down in a chair, sighing. 

"Hey, Marv," the lesbians said in chorus. 

That's when the lights dimmed darker, and a bright spotlight lit up the center of the stage, highlighting the tall man's beauty. The noise of screams and lighthearted giggles died down, simmering down until they were nothing. 

"Ooh, he's starting!" Cordelia hissed excitedly, jumping up and down in her seat. 

"Shut up!" Marvin whisper-screamed. "He's hot, I gotta focus."

A very moments of silence loomed over the bar, expect for some light murmurs that were spoken from buzzed men whispering lusty things to their wives. 

The man on stage smiled broadly, that smile alone almost matching the wonderful light f the spotlight. Letting out an amazed little giggle, he spoke, that alone making Marvin's jaw drop and his pupils grow small with pure lovestruck joy. 

"Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to be singing WHAT MORE CAN I SAY from Falsettos." the man said, his voice light and high pitched, with a bit of macho-ness mixed in. 

An excited, drunken roar went up, mostly from the men in the crowd. Marvin didn't exactly share the same excitement, he just enjoyed the eye candy. 

"What the heck is Falsettos?" Marvin whined to his buddies. "Sounds absolutely dreadful."

"Who cares?" Charlotte said. "He's cute, isn't he? Isn't that all that matters?"

Marvin stared at him, gazing at his eyes. His daydreamy mood returned after being shortly destroyed by the song choice. 

"He's really hot," he purred in agreement. 

Both lesbians shared a mocking little giggle at their friends expense. They loved him, but his love for boys was extreme. 

But they had to keep the gimmicking to a minimum, as the pretty boy on stage stepped closer to the mic and began to sing. 

"It's been hot," he started. "Also very sweet. And I'm not usually indiscreet. But when he sparkles, the earth begins to sway..."

Marvin's eyes now began to twinkle with awe, not just lust. The man's voice was almost heavenly, the notes almost slowly rolling off his tongue like a little twinkling snowballs, and his face was so relaxed as you were practically lulled to sleep. 

"What more can I say?" he finished. A little pause, then a continuation. "How can I express how confused am I, by our happiness? I can't eat breakfast, I can barely tie my shoe..."

A small group of people rang out with encouraging words and cheers. 

"What more can I do?" came the bold, whispery, conclusion. At the very, very last note, he looked Marvin straight in the eyes. Marvin turned a deathly pale as his penis turned harder than a stone. The man on stage gave him a magical wink, then turned away, looking at the entire audience. 

The bar couldn't contain itself anymore. A loud, overwhelming wave of moans, screams, and wails rang out from everyone's mouths, praise being thrown upon him like endless little red roses.

Many people jumped up from their stools or chairs and began to clap loudly, and before Marvin and the lesbians knew it, they were practically drowning in all of the supportive things being said. Things like:

"I'm so gay for you!"

"I named my dog after you!"

"Your voice is like a lulling harp!"

And with all the noise, Marvin had the confidence to scream, "Can I have your number?"

The lesbians whipped their heads to face each other, both wearing shocked faces with wide eyes and all the way to the floor dropped jaws. 

"What?!" they both exclaimed to Marvin, but he ignored them. Someone who didn't ignore Marvin though was the man on stage. With a slightly shocked face, a grin spread across his face, and once again, the two met eyes, the stage man's a lovely brown, Marvin's a dull green. 

"Don't worry, hottie!" the man said over the noise, spit flying from his mouth. "I was gonna meet you in the bathroom anyway!"

Marvin felt his face go bright red, his cheeks warming hotter than the sun. Or that's how it felt anyway. 

"I'd like that!" the lonely gay man said. 

Stage man grinned even more. "Sounds good! Hope you packed some lube!"

And with that, Marvin had his first sexual experience with the wondrous Whizzer Brown. 

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