Dinner With The Turners

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"So," Marvin began, stabbing up some potatoes with his fork. "How's school going for ya, kid?"

Jason didn't respond at first, in fact he looked a little embarrassed at the question. He gave Whizzer a little awkward sidewards look, then looked at his plate and shoved a whole forkful of steak in his mouth.

Marvin noticed this right away, and was immediately expastrated. "Jason," he said sternly. "Please answer the question."

Jason turned a little red, and didn't look up from his food. "Whizzer did something," he mumbled, his mouth lopsided since steak and potatoes were still shoved in the left pouch of his cheek.

Marvin switched his glare to his boyfriend. He was not showing hardly any emotion, just focusing on his food on his plate. "Whiz," Marvin said. "What did you do?"

Whizzer's face broke out into a face covering grin. Chuckling a little, he finally responded. "I..." laughter broke out into his sentence. "...I made a toilet explode at Jason's school and got banned from there for...um, well forever."

Marvin's frown only grew from there. "What?!?" he exclaimed, flailing his arms, fork wildly swinging like a sword. "Whizzer, you gigantic baby!"

Whizzer's laughter did not cease from his lover's yelling, though, and at this point, Jason joined in, both giggling like little teenage girls.

"No!" Marvin roared. "Stop laughing! This isn't funny! Whizzer, what the hell were you thinking?!"

Whizzer almost choked on his food. "It was just a little prank," he said nonchalantly. "Calm yourself, Marv, and grow a sense of humor."

Marvin glowered at the two immature men in front of him. "I do have a sense of humor," he snapped. "That sense isn't tickled by blowing up things you crap in, though."

Jason gives his father a weird look as he thwacks his knee. "Why not?!" he squeaks, his voice cracking. "It was hilarious! The whole bathroom flooded, and oh my gosh, you should've seen the principal's face!"

Whizzer's eyebrows shot up in agreement. "Yes!" he practically screamed, pointing wildly at Jason. "That was amazing! Her face was redder than a cartoon character! Oh my gosh, dude, it was amazing."

Marvin rolled his eyes. He was surrounded by pathetic immature morons. He couldn't help but let the smallest smile at the edge of lips though, because even he had to admit, it was very sweet to watch the two men he loved have fun with each other. At the same time, though, he had to be the boring, no fun father and punish both of them.

"Guys," he said cooly. "I want to say something." The two stopped laughing and turned a deathly pale. They both hated this tone, and they were both terrified of it. But little did they know, Marvin was about to surprise them.

"You guys are complete amateurs," he said, the same cool tone lingering. "Flooding the bathroom?! C'mon, you guys should be better at this!!!"

All three of them broke out laughing, all slapping their knees and almost choking on their food. "You're right!" Whizzer jokingly agreed. "We're the worst!"

"I agree!" Jason giggled. "We're repulsive!"

Even Marvin got in on improving the joke. "We're pathetic slimeballs!"

Jason really liked that one.

Whizzer liked his the best (obviously).

And Marvin was just glad he got to bond with his favorite people in the world. 

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