I got tagged, thats cool (Once again, not a chapter)

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So i got tagged by one of my good friends on here, so...yeah. I have never done this before, but I am gonna try my best. 

Q: Do you have a crush? 

A: Yes, and lots of them. Some celebrities, like Andrew Rannells *swoon* and some everyday dorks like me. 

Q: Whats your middle name?

A: That is creepy that you want to know this, but since I told you that I swoon over Andy Randy, I guess I can tell you this. Nathaniel. 

Q: Height? 

A: I am as tall as you would like to picture me, you stupid tag thingy. Jk I think I'm like 5'7. 

Q: Shoe size?

A: Am i the only one who thinks this question is like...not normal? If you honestly must know, my shoe size is 8. 

Q: Eye color?

A: Blue. When I was a baby, people said they were pretty enough to be a girl's. 

Q: Last time you cried?

A: When someone in my school's production pulled me aside and blamed me for breaking a mic pack, even though I didn't. (Hey, if you would've heard his voice, you would've cried too)

Q: Biggest Fear?

A: Being rejected by someone when I ask them to prom. I dunno why i'm worrying about this, considering i am not even in high school yet, but whatever. 

Q: Last song you listened to?

A: Probably either "I Am Damaged" or "Meant to Be Yours," I can't remember which. 

And the thing I got tagged in says to tag 20 accounts, but I don't freaking have time for that, so screw that. 

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