Chapter 1: Ready...or not

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The well was open and so was her way to Inuyasha. Without a second thought, Kagome jumped down the well. Time rushed by her, taking the years and stress from her, turning her back into that fifteen year old girl again. It felt like a caress on her skin, a whisper of good bye to the future as she touched the ground of the well. Climbing up the well, she smiled at the sight of the God's tree, it was so odd, but she felt as she was going to get something much different than what she hoped for.

Taking a seat at the roots of the old tree, she slowly fell into slumber's embrace as the stress was lifted from her, she may have been born in the future, but the past was her true home. It was marvelous to fall into a deep sleep in silence again; she didn't realize that she had really missed it.


Sesshomaru sat in his study, controlling his desire to kill his mate of three years and his mother. They stood before him, growling at each other as to why he was still childless though they all knew why, but his mate refused to admit that she was a barren female. He understand that it was a matter of pride with them both; no man would ever give his seed to a female that was barren to it.

Though he could care less about being childless, he hated that he had to plant his seed in his mate when he all he wanted was the priestess that followed his brother.

He knew that she was more than able to bare a full demon offspring; she wasn't like his father's human woman. The priestess wouldn't give him a half demon every time that he gave her his seed. With her powers, she would naturally give his young the ability to be immune to powers like hers and there would be a low to no chance of the offspring being half-demon.

"Sesshomaru, please tell your mother that you don't need a concubine to birth your children when I can." His mate, Sakura ordered him.

He growled at her for the order and for interrupting his thoughts as he drowned out their useless fighting. This wasn't going to end until he had a child and he was starting to lose his control to not kill them, this would end now. "Mother, why are you so insistent about this? Did you find a good female that would breed easy? Is that why you continue to annoy me with?"
she simply smiled an answering smile that told him that she did.

"Go and get her then. I tire of this fighting and if a child is the answer then a child will be born. I know that my seed will not take root in you, Sakura and I need a child. If you behave, I will allow you to mother the child." Sesshomaru told them.

He knew that his mother wouldn't like that, but if he fathered a child then she could care less in the end and they both knew that.

"So who is my concubine to be? And is she willing to be my concubine and mother of my children?" he asked, wondering if she was little like his brother's priestess.

"A powerful priestess named Kagome appeared from out of nowhere. I thought that the children that she would bear would be perfect for you. She is asleep at the moment, but I will know soon, what do you think though, Sesshomaru? Is a priestess good enough?"

He smirked at his mother, letting her know that the priestess would be perfect. So his brother's priestess had returned and would be fascinating that fate had decided to give him a gift. He just wondered if the gift would taste sweet on his tongue as he made her scream.

"I am glad that you like the idea of the priestess, my son. If you would like to see the mother of your children, she is resting in the harem." His mother's words made him frown, he hated it when he played into her hands and it happened far too often for his liking.

"Has she been checked yet?" He asked her but she said nothing, her silence enough of an answer for him. His mother hadn't checked to see if she was fertile and a virgin yet, though it wasn't a problem; humans were so easy to fix in that department. It was simply to change a barren human to a fertile one...unlike that of a demon.

Sesshomaru  x KagomeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ