Chapter 30: Problems

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Sesshomaru stared at her, waiting for Kagome to say something to him but she just looked shocked by his words. Then there was suddenly pain in her eyes like she couldn't understand why he had said that. Was it so hard for her to believe that he found her to be the most beautiful being alive? Even Sakura could not compare to Kagome and demons from all corners of the human realms and hell had heard of his former mate's beauty.

"You're so beautiful, Kagome."

"Don't say that please." She whispered to him.

"You're beautiful, Kagome." Sesshomaru said before putting down their son and moving closer to her.

She moved away and begged him, "Please don't say that."

"You're beautiful, Kagome. So beautiful to me." He replied as he moved closer and reached out to touch her face. But she slapped his hand away as tears came to her eyes.

Why was she having this kind of reaction to his words?

"Is It because I'm so beautiful that you did all this to me?" She questioned him with such rage in her voice. She wiped her tears away, her nails biting into the flesh of her cheek and drawing blood. Sesshomaru grabbed her hands, hoping to stop her from harming herself.

"I'm so sick of all this, Sesshomaru. I'm sick of the tears, of all the control you have on me, I feel like I'm your pet bitch instead of a human, I'm so sick of all this confustion that I feel. I just want all of that to end."

It wounded him to hear her say that. He wished to take it all from her, to take back all the pain that he had given her over the last few years that she had been his. But he did not possess the power to go back in time and changed all that had happened between them.

He did wish that he could.

He longed to see the smiles that she would appear for no reason at all, he wanted to happy her voice sound happy and excited as it once did instead of lost in pain as it always was. There were troubles between them, but the past was in the past and all he could do was work with her to make their lives as well as their future happier together in the day to come.

"I wish I could go back." He whispered to her, causing her to become still from her rant and pain. "I wish I could go back and court you like you deserve instead of mating with Sakura after the final battle with Naraku. But I had been a fool and couldn't look pass the fact that I did not want to end up like my father."

"Like your father?" Kagome said as calm seem to return to her.

"Yes, I thought that his new family had made him weak and I also felt the jealousy of coming from home torn in half. My parents loved each other but my mother never seemed willing to let me be around my father for long or alone. My father and I never truly had the chance to talk, and get to know each other."

His childhood filled his mind and memories of wanting to be like his father and to be noticed by his father filled his mind. He was an only child with no others around but adults; he had been forced to grow up alone and isolated in a world that cared little for children.

"That has nothing to do with us. You thought if you tried to court me that it would make you weak? You know that I'm anything but weak, my friends and I make each other stronger! Inuyasha and I made each other stronger! You're just making excuses, Sesshomaru."

She turned away from him as if the sight of him disgusted her in that moment and he could not blame her for feeling that way.

"Maybe I am...Maybe I was just scared of you, Kagome and I took the easy way out of all this back then. But the truth of right now? I don't care, you're mine and I will protect you to my last heartbeat."

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