Chapter 16: Claws and fangs

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Kagome wiped the tears from her eyes and gently rubbed her flat stomach through the layers of her clothes. Sesshomaru stared at her, he wanted to hold her and wipe her tears away for her. But he knew that she would refuse him, try to push him away from her and slap his hand if he tried to wipe her eyes away. "I'm tired," she whispered as she got up and moved to the door, Sesshomaru was at her side and opened it for her before she could touch the door.

She sighed and ignored him as she left the room and took in the huge hallway that she had walked into. "Which way?" she muttered to Sesshomaru; she didn't want him to guide her was likely she was admitting that she belong to Sesshomaru. She didn't belong to him, and she knew there would be a chance in the future to escape; now that she had Sesshomaru's gift.

Sesshomaru said nothing as he wrapped his arm around her waist and walked to the harem she didn't push him away like she normally would at his touch. He couldn't help, but see this as a good sign that Kagome was slowly accepting her new status in life. It was a bit soon, but he had seen her in battle and knew that she would adapt to anything that life threw at her, unlike other mortal women or noble women. But Kagome had never been normal, after all proof was that his only child was a girl and that Kagome was stronger than even some of the other demon Lords.


Mizuki cried and cried as her grandmother tried to calm her down. But nothing the demoness did would calm the little girl down, and Nori didn't blame her little Moonflower for her crying. Mizuki had been rightly scared by Inuyasha attacking them; Nori would have to tell her son everything that had happened and how Inuyasha needed to be put down for attacking them. Sesshomaru was likely to be upset with her for taking little Mizuki out with her to see Inuyasha, but he would always agree with her that it had been the best way to see if Inuyasha would be a threat to all of his children.

Nori had not expected though to be seen by her son and Kagome until tomorrow, but then her son was an idiot like his father. From the Cherry petals in Kagome's hair, she knew that Sesshomaru had taken Kagome to her gift for birthing Mizuki. "Mother? What happened?"

"I will talk with you about it later...for now, I believe there is a little Moonflower that wants her mother." Nori said, giving the crying bundle to Kagome. Mizuki was quick to turn her crying into whimpers as Kagome soothed her upset little girl. Kagome didn't understand why Mizuki had been crying so hard, the baby rarely cried at all since her birth.

Sesshomaru watched Kagome and their daughter, noting the gentle touch and the way that it soothed his little Moonlight. But the tears that were unshed burned at his heart like white hot iron was being poured on it. He wanted to destroy the thing that had dared to scare his child and wound his mother. His claws and fangs desired to be stained red with the blood, but the sight of Kagome's gentle face kept him from going and killing it at the moment. The way that Kagome's face was held a focus as she continued to calm their daughter down. The love in her ocean blue eyes filled him with desire to be inside her and hold her to him.

He didn't understand why he wanted to hold her and never let her go again.

"Kagome...go and put Mizuki to bed, I will come to wish her good night in a moment." He ordered, getting a glare for it from Kagome, but she obeyed still. She didn't want to be near him anymore, and it was a good idea that Mizuki go down for the night. She didn't know what had upset her little girl, but she had no intention of leaving her baby that night. And Sesshomaru be damned if he didn't like it...scratch that, he could be damned anyway!


Sesshomaru watched Kagome walk away; enjoying the way that her body move and felt the desire for her begin to boil in his blood. But that would have to wait until the bastard that had harmed his mother and make his daughter cry.

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