Chapter 7: Mizuki

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Kagome watched as her baby girl suckled at her felt so odd and a little painful as first, but then it felt wonderful. It was like a river of life flowing from her to feed her little girl, but she missed feeling her baby inside of her as well though. It seemed so odd to hold her child in her arms, but so wonderful at the same time...she never wanted to let her baby go. Kagome thought of how everyone had been whispering about her baby and it worried her when she thought of Sesshomaru's reaction to their baby being a girl.

All of the Lords were gone and the midwives left with Sesshomaru's mother to let her rest with her baby. But her mind was clouded with worry and fear for her baby's future, gently moving some of her little girl's beautiful silver hair out of her eyes...Kagome was overwhelmed by the love that she felt for her little girl. She wondered if her own mother had felt the same when she had giving birth to her, if her mother felt love in one of its purest forms when she held her for the first time. Kagome...didn't care though as she watched her baby, because she would do whatever was needed to keep her baby with her.


Sesshomaru walked calmly, though he was eager to see his child and Kagome, he was quite pleased that both had survived the birth. He looked forward to see his son for the first time as well as holding him too; he wondered if his son had silver hair or black hair. He thought back to that dream that he had had about his future children with Kagome; he thought of the boy and the girl...he wanted to create them with Kagome just like the child that they had just created together.

Standing outside of the birthing rooms, he opened the doors to see Kagome resting with their child in her arms. Walking quietly, his golden eyes watched his child in its mother's arms...its scent was so faint that he could barely tell it was there. Looking down at his child, he saw silver hair and ocean blue eyes staring up at him, his mind instantly flashed to the little silver haired girl from his dream and his mind thought of the moon. Carefully and gently picking up his newborn, he sniffed his child as it did the same to him...he was shocked by what the smell revealed to him.

A daughter.

He stared at the little girl in his hands, so weak and would be so simple to kill her in a heartbeat. He would kill anyone who threatened his child, he would protect his daughter and he knew the perfect name for his little moonlight. Sitting down, he stared at his daughter...feeling an oddly emotion that he remembered feeling for Rin when she was in his care. The thought of his daughter been harmed made him sick with such pain and rage that his eyes turned red at the mere thought of it. Whimpers from his little moonlight soon brought him out of his thoughts to let him see that Kagome was trying to get out of bed and that his little daughter had tears in her ocean blue eyes. The sight of tears pained him greatly...he had scared his little moonlight.

"Stay there, Kagome...our daughter seems to want you and I will not have you tire yourself as you get out of bed." He told her as he handed the baby to her. She took their daughter from him and held her close to her, like Kagome wished to protect her. Their child stopped whimpering and the tears dried up, it wounded him that he could not do that for their daughter because he was the reason that she was scared.

Her mother was the person who she felt safe with...and he was the one that she feared.

"Her name is Mizuki." He told Kagome as his mask fell into place and he walked out of the rooms, leaving his child and her mother alone. His mother waited at the door, "Go and get Mizuki for the introduction to the Lords." Sesshomaru ordered as he went ahead, his mother glanced at him as he walked away. The mask on his face confused her greatly...he had been eager to meet his child, but now he looked displeased. She knew that he wouldn't care for the gender of his child as long as it was healthy and a full demon.

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