Chapter 11: Immortality of another

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The spy was glad when Sesshomaru's mother had to leave Sesshomaru's rooms to check on something. It moved to Kagome's side and hissed in horror when it noticed that her scent was changing to that of a corpse and that her skin felt cold to the touch. It was too late for the spy to save her from death.


Lady Kaede wished Inuyasha and Miroku goodbye with Sango and her children before heading over to her herb garden to tend to the herbs that were growing there. With a sigh playing on her lips, she thought of poor Kagome and what her future was turning into. She had always known that Kagome was destined for great deeds and the defeat of Naraku and the destruction of the sacred jewel...but this couldn't be a part of that great destiny.

To simply have seed forced into her womb and to become a field that will harvest live the life of a favored concubine, it would likely be the death of Kagome's heart and spirit. Just like it would be for any great woman like her, it was a death sentence until the paradise that it was to the simple-minded noble women. It made Lady Kaede a little thankful that she was a priestess since she could never have her virginity taken from her without angering the Gods. Though like some others, she had felt the longing to carry a child within her womb...but unlike those others, she did not give into the sinful desire to become a mother.

But she had always wondered if it was sinful for a priestess to become a mother, to create and carry that new life within one's womb...she sadly didn't know and it was too late for her to ever become one as it was.

Pushing the old thoughts from her mind, she continued to pull the weeds from the herb garden and lost herself in the task at hand. Well she did until she noticed Sesshomaru was watching her, waiting for her to notice him, but it was clearly as his eyes were red that he had little patient at that moment. "Lord Sesshomaru, why are you here? Rin is off with the other children at the moment if you came to see h-"

"I'm not here for Rin, I am here because I have need of your knowledge in healing...Kagome is in need of your skills as a healer." He cut in, wanting to return to Kagome's side and hold their child for comfort of what was going on with Kagome. His thoughts centered around that dream that he had when Kagome had carried their daughter in her body, he wanted the son that she would birth him, he wanted the children that they would have after him and he would do anything to have them...Gods, he was turning into his mother when it came to his children.

"I'll need m-"

"You will lack nothing for instruments of healing, we will leave this instant." He stated as he used his super-speed to grab her, he wasn't willing to let his concubine go or let his daughter suffer as he knew that she would without her mother at her side. Lady Kaede was startled by Sesshomaru suddenly grabbing her, knowing only a handful of demons that were as fast as him. He changed them into a ball of light before Lady Kaede could say anything at all.


Kagome was curled in a ball in the dark water that surrounded her, her eyes were closed...scared of what she would see if she opened them. She knew that she was in a dream and that she had some control of her dreams like every human in the world, but she knew that she didn't have total control of it. With the little control that she did have in her current life, she didn't want to feel out of control in her dreams as well. She knew that the lack of control of her life was slowly destroying who she was as a person.

After all, she had had a break down when she had been pregnant with her little girl.

It was killing her in a way, having little control of her life, being Sesshomaru's sex toy and baby maker, and being forced to become a mother at the young age of eighteen...for a woman of the modern era, these events would slowly break down any woman's mind.

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