Chapter 6: Don't wanna let go

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Sesshomaru sat beside Kagome's futon, watching her sleeping form. She didn't really talk to him or his mother and her eyes were so dead, it unnerved him that she didn't touch her swollen abdomen anymore when she was awake...before she was always touching it, like she had been strengthening her bond with their child, but now all she did was wear that blank mask on her face and let the tears flow freely down her face.

He looked at her swollen abdomen, their child was kicking again...he knew that the child didn't want his touch, but its mother's. it was not healthy for their child to through this withdrawal from its mother's love, it would affect the baby's health in the future...maybe it would be best if he had Sakura take over Kagome's duties as the mother after the baby was weaned. He didn't want to, but this indifference to their child would weaken it as it got older. He placed his hand on their child, hoping to soothe it...but it only kicked harder, like it was angry that Kagome would not touch it, would not love it like she had in the past.


Kagome removed her clothes before lying down on her futon and spread her legs for the fifty physicians before her, Sesshomaru's mother sat down by her head like normal. Kagome was numb and unfeeling to the painful probing, the smelling and licking of her sheath as each one of the physicians did it. She felt nothing as they roughly touched every part of her body like she was nothing, but clay that was to be worked and didn't care when they like the milk from their hands like it was a sweet treat. Sesshomaru's mother felt her anger simmer to life at their unnecessarily rough treatment of Kagome's body, but kept silence if it meant they would learn what was wrong with the baby.

The physicians grouped together and all of them said the same thing, "I don't know what's wrong with the child...but there's something wrong with it." Sesshomaru's mother stared at them for a moment, speechless by the universal stupidity in front of her and Kagome before she stood up and exploded on them, the rage that simmered in her from seeing that Sakura had healed two days after being punished burned in her and to hear this had unleashed it all. She didn't want this to make Kagome sadder!

"If that's the case...find me someone that can or I'll rip your heads off!" she said sweetly to them...though her face was anything, but sweet. The physicians realized their mistake in that moment when they saw her golden eyes turned red with her anger. They were going to die if something did learn of what was wrong with the stupid brat in the human. "Please...calm down my Lady. This is an area of birth that few have knowledge of; there are six or seven demons that are alive today that were born with a human parent. The ones' who midwifed at those births are no more and took the knowledge with them to their grave, it may be best to see what those demons know of their may aid us with your grandchild." One of the physicians said, hoping to keep his head like the others.

Sesshomaru's mother glared at them, was that the best they could do? With a shake of her head in disappointment, she dismissed them with a wave of her arm before turning to look down at Kagome, the red bleed from her eyes as concern filled the demoness's veins. There...was sadness in Kagome's eyes as the tears run down her face, "Kagome...the baby will be fine, I'll make sure that the baby is fine." Sesshomaru's mother whispered.

But the physicians' words echoed in her head...where was something wrong with her baby and no one knew what it was, it made the pain that she felt...all the more painful.


Sesshomaru's mother looked at the beautiful Junihitoe that Kagome was going to wear to the gathering for the celebration of the baby's approaching birth. Looking at the Junihitoe...she couldn't help, but worry about the Lords asking to borrow Kagome. It had happened in the past with priestesses concubines like Kagome...but they often died in the birthing process because of poor care from the midwives. No one cared if the priestess died and if the Lord that gave the concubine to the other Lords became upset from the loss then he would be given a new one by the Lord that allowed the death.

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