Chapter 26: Betrayal

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Everything hurt and exhaust demanded that she rest now that all her babies were born. Yet she found watching them sleep kept slumber's demanding embrace at bay. They were all so beautiful and perfect that she couldn't believe that she had given birth to all five of them.

"You should rest, Kagome," Nori whispered softly but Kagome ignored the demoness and gently touched the cheek of one of her sons. He had been crying so loud that Kagome worried that he would wake his siblings but her touch turned so cries into little whimpers and a pair of golden eyes opened to take her out with unfocused eyes. Her heart overflowed with love for the little being she had given birth to only hours ago.

"You're okay, mommy is here. You're okay, Hajime." Kagome whispered and she moved to be closer to her babies; her body protested the action but she insisted and took him into her arms when she was close enough to all of them.

"Kagome, you should not name them without Sesshomaru presence to approve the names." Nori protested as she moved to be closer to the newborns as well. Kagome took a quick glance at Nori and saw the utter devotion into the demoness's golden gaze. Kagome couldn't help but wonder if Sesshomaru even cared for their new children. He had left at some point and everyone else come in so to care for her as she had labored to bring her children into the world. It had hurt so much that she didn't even know when he had left.

Though she loathed to admit it even to herself, she had longed for his aid as she had worked to bring their other babies into the world instead of having his mother and the horrid midwives. He had seemed to so happy but then suddenly he had left her alone in the one moment that she felt she had needed him most. Did he really want to change and for them to develop a supportive relationship together? Or had he just said all that to get her to behave until she had given birth. How Kagome wished that she had the answers to her feelings and sesshomaru's actions but she had nothing. She had nothing to hold onto and support her in this life that had been forced on her.

Hajime rubbed against her chest, making those hungry little whimpers that made her think of how Mizuki had done before. Moving her kosode off her chest and shoulders to bare her breasts for her son. He was quick to latch onto her nipple and suckled so hard in pursuit of his meal that Kagome gasped in pain for a moment. "Be gentle on mommy, sweetie."

But the gentle scolding was lost on the infant as he feasted upon his mother's milk. She watched with a loving gaze as she nursed her baby boy, it had been a few months now since she had last nursed Mizuki and found herself missing that connection. It was funny really but she had missed having a baby suckle from her milk swollen breasts.

There was such a connection between mother and child as life giving milk flowed that Kagome found her concerning thoughts lost to her mind for the moment.

"He will be quite like his father." Nori muttered. Kagome looked to Nori with a question in her ocean blue eyes.

"Sesshomaru was quite an eater as well. He would always want his meal and would drink me dry when he was done; this little one is going to be just like his father...with the exception of the hair. That's quite a surprise there."

Kagome looked back down at her newborn son and only held him tighter to her. She didn't want her son to be his father, she wanted him to be greater than and above his father in every way. Looking at all her new children, Kagome want that for all of them. For all her sons and daughters to be better than their father. It was in that moment that she felt like one of her babies were crying for her but all of them, even Mizuki were fine. Kagome looked at them, wondering why she felt that way when she noticed one of her two new daughters were staring at a wall and reaching out for something.

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