Chapter 37: Let it end

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Everything hurt inside and out. Here she was lying on the ground with him above yet she hasn't done anything to stop him. Why didn't she force him to stop? Why was she so broken by everything that had happened between them?

She stared at Emiko, who continued to nurse at her breast. Her child deserved better, deserved to grow up knowing that she was equal to any man that. It was something that she wasn't going to let happen. She wanted to be like her mother, she wanted to give her own children a better future that she knew that only Sesshomaru could give them. But he had broken his promise.

For that she needed to punish him.

She needed to teach him that a promise could only be broken for the sake of other's lives and not for one's own pleasures. Why was she so weak and pathetic? Where had the real her gone in the last two years? Where was the woman that would have stared down giant monsters with only a bow and arrows in hand?

When had she allowed all this to happen to her? When had her soul and heart started breaking, taking the strong woman that she had been to turn her into a weak child? But how would she grasp hold of the strong woman she had once been so that she can become her once more?

Kagome glanced at Sesshomaru, who still towered over her body. He looked as if he was about to be sick and it filled her with a sick pleasure to know that he found her sickening.

Let him see what she had become in both body and mind from what his hands on her had done. He had been poison to her, crippling and burning her from the inside out just as atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki had done to the victims of World War II. But then Sesshomaru did not know about the first or the second wars that would rock the world on its axle. He knew nothing of the poison that filled and killed the people that simply breathed the air.

He had broken his promise and he needed to be punished for it.

"Get out." It had just been a whispered but had still passed her lips.


"GET OUT!" She snarled at him before finding the strength within her to stand and strike him.

GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT!GETOUTGETOUTGETOUT!" She screamed at him with all the strength her lungs had as she continued to strike at him with just one hand.

The air filled with tension as their children began to cry, even little Emiko had stopped nursing to cry along with her brothers and sisters. Their cries were protest to their parents fighting but still Kagome continued to strike at Sesshomaru who did nothing but take it all without protest.

But all too soon, she became weak and tired, falling to her knees in need of rest. She fell to her knees as the weakness filled her flesh.

"Kagome, why did you allow yourself to become like this?" He questioned her.

Allow? She hadn't allowed anything; this was all done to her by him and his mother. Her mind has lasted this long but her body was dying, immortal or not. She was dying but he had the nerve to say that she had allowed it. That was too much for her.

Without even thinking, her power flowed from her like blood flowing freely from an open wound. Sesshomaru stood his ground though and looked her in the eye even as his skin burned and blistered under her power. Pain filled his gaze but still he looked into her eyes as if what was in there would make her stop. She wanted to hurt him, he wanted to make him burn with pain like he had her for the last two years.

"Kagome, you need to stop."

No, no she would not stop making him hurt and burn under her power; she should have killed him before, should have make him die a painful death like he had her when he had forced himself inside of her body. Make him suffer as she had every time that he made her feel pleasure; she wanted him to feel all of this just as she did.

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