Chapter 40: Fight

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It just hurt. There was nothing but the agony; why was this happening to her now? She was deaf to the world outside, she was blind to it all, she was numb to everything but the pain that racked through her. She had died yet this pain that plagued her in life refused to end, to allow her to be freed from its tight grip.

She should have been freed from her pain, she wanted to be freed from it so badly. She had given up everything to be free; her life and her children. Only to have the pain continue a thousandfold, it had not been worth the price she had paid.

Screaming in agony with a voice no one could hear; it just would not end for her. Was this what happened to everyone that killed themselves? If so then it was just too cruel; she had been a good person in life before she had been taken. She had helped so many people, doing everything she could to see that they survived the battles against Naraku. But it seems to have meant nothing.

Everything had turned to nothing in the wake of what she was being forced to endure.

She was a person; a person that was being crippled by what she had endured in life. Why would she be forced to continue enduring the same in death? No one deserved this but she was not the only person to commit suicide. Which meant that others could possibly be suffering like her.

That was so wrong.

They had killed themselves to get away from pain like her. they had killed themselves to uphold their honour. they had killed themselves to escape yet they were going to continue to suffer for it. It was just so wrong that it would be their fate.

She refused. She refused to allow this to continue to happen to her or others. She had been a warrior only a few short years ago and it was time to be one again. It was time for her to be who she had once been; to become a warrior again so that this pain would just end.
Kagome screamed this time was different though. This scream was made out of her outrage and pain that rippled through her soul. This time, those around her soul could hear her scream.


Enma turned in shock at the scream Kagome's soul emitted so loudly. The power within her was beyond her years in mortal flesh; he had never seen it in a human before. The demons and mortal souls around him moved away from her, their fear heavy in the air.

He would not take a step back.

This was his realm and he was master over all within it. Unlike her, he had things in this realm of his that needed to be protected. At the moment she floated before him as a threat to all that. He would not allow her to become that.

He would not allow her wounds to harm others; there were enough mortals that did that. She was so much better than that; she was a warrior that he could admire. So much like his own beauty that was so beautifully broken within. He intended to stop that with both women. His own as well as Sesshomaru's.

"Stop it," he whispered softly.

But the screaming only grew louder and louder. His throne room was beginning to shake, it was something that he had only seen once before. It had been the day that he had killed his father and taking the name Enma. That day had been a battle of gods that shook their realm.

It had the same feel as that day.

It would be another fight for his life. The thought brought a smile to Enma's face; it had been a long time since he had a fight like that.

"Stop it, Kagome."

The soul never responded to his voice, just continued to scream. Yet the formless shape of her soul was beginning to change before his golden eyes; to take form. His eyes snapped to her body still within Saburo's arms. Her blue eyes that had been closed before were now stared at him. There was no expression or emotion to be had within those eyes, they were the eyes of the dead even as the flesh continued to live.

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