Chapter 35: Realizations

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Her scent was old but thick in the air. It filled him and made him long for her all the moment; to go, to find her and hold her to him forever more. It killed him that she had been within his reach for two years yet he hadn't been able to find her.

He cursed his brother to hell as he walked to the cave. It was so thick with her scent even though it was old; he saw how she had lived in that cave. It looked as if it had been made for a lord to hide out of until it was safe. It was clear that Sesshomaru had cared for her comfort but it only served to sicken Inuyasha. Kagome must have been confined to the cave but the...bed held her the most.

Sesshomaru's scent was all over it as well.

But still Inuyasha was incapable of stopping himself from throwing himself onto the bed and crying in outrage of what had likely taken please in the bedding.

She hadn't deserved it. She hadn't deserved anything that his brother had done to her and yet, Inuyasha knew that she had been taken by force again and again by his brother. The faint scent of sex slowly filled the air from his falling upon the bed told him so.

He leap away from the foul scent but still the scent of Sesshomaru and Kagome mixing together filled his nose. The scent filled his mind with the two of them in the bed together; Kagome struggling and crying as Sesshomaru touched her and filled her.

He turned away, hoping for mercy of the two fading from his mind but it only intensified before his eyes. He didn't want to see her naked body beautiful and pure touched by Sesshomaru's hands and naked flesh. He turned to the rock wall on the cave and slammed his head against, hoping to get the foul images out of his mind but they only became sharper, clearer until it was all that he could see.

Inuyasha turned to the entrance and ran. He just ran and ran, unable to look back for he knew that scent, and the images were fast on his tail. They would continue to chase him until he found her.


"What is that, sweet girl? Is it a flower?" Kagome asked Mizuki as her daughter patted the yellow bloom before jumping up and down with excitement and running away to another part of the garden.

Kagome could help but feel the excitement that her daughter gave at the new experience, even though her baby had done the same thing with other flowers. It filled her with a sense of peace that she was so often missing. A sense of peace only her children gave her.

She smiled down at Yumi, who was sleeping so peacefully in her arms. It hurt just a little when she looked at her daughter's ears. They made her look so like her uncle but she acknowledged that she would never have a future with Inuyasha but then did she want a future with any man? She had her children and that was all she wanted.

She wanted nothing more but then now. She would work to rebuild a relationship with Sesshomaru but the thought of being touched by him was one that she was not sure that she would ever be okay with after everything that had happened between them. Kagome just hoped that they could be friends and raise their children together. But she knew he wanted more from her.

She didn't know if she should hope for their last resort or not.

"Hello Mizuki." Kagome looked at the stranger kneeing beside her daughter.

Resisting the urge to get between the two, Kagome covered Yumi's head and face before giving into the urge at a breakneck pace.

"Who are you?" She demanded as she kept Mizuki behind her.

The stranger stood to his full height and bowed to her. He looked a great deal like Hotaka only with Hotaka's mate's hair. He was dressed simply though and she was unsure what to think of the demon before her.

Sesshomaru  x KagomeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora