Chapter 18: Learning

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Kagome lied there beside Sesshomaru, her head pillowed on his chest as he stroked her hair. Tears run down her cheeks, but her face was blank; Sesshomaru looked at her in genuine concern. He held her close, hating the scent of her tears and how they tainted the sweet smell of them mixed together. He wished to stop her tears and instead smile at him with joy, but it seemed too many to ask for.

So he held her and stroked her hair, letting her cry.

Kagome didn't know what to do; she didn't want to be forced by him and she refused to let this pain inside of her consume her. Need a break from everything, she got up and went to the Koto that was in his rooms and started to play. Soft and gentle music broke the spell of silence that ensnared the room and the two people within it. Sesshomaru sat up on the futon watched her, remembering that time that she had played with him there. It was beautiful and filled the room with ease, like the gentle pull of the strings took Kagome's pain and turned it into something beautiful.

Closing her eyes, Kagome let the music out. The music flowed out of her fingertips into the strings of the Koto, spilling forth her emotions that turned into the silent stale air into a beautiful wind that floated between the two of them. Sesshomaru watched her, taking note of the serene look on her face. It made him want to kiss her, to the cause of her serene look instead of the music that she was creating. But he didn't touch her; he simply watched her and listened to the music that she created when there was a sudden change in it. The joy and happiness within in the music changed into pain and sorrow; he looked at her to see the serene look still in place, but tear were flowing down her cheeks.

He reached out and wiped one of her tears away and caused her to stop, and looked at him. "You play beautifully...who taught you?" he whispered softly before wrapping his arms around her and taking her back to the futon. Kagome rested her head on his chest and rubbed her stomach, feeling the light flutters of their children's movements inside of her. She didn't know why he wanted to know, but didn't see why she shouldn't tell him.

"My grandmother did after she learned I wanted to play it and after she heard me play for the first time." Kagome smiled at the memory of finding the old Koto in her grandparents' house at the shrine and playing with it. How her grandma found her playing and listened to her play before starting her lessons. It had been fun and she had loved playing until her grandma died when Sota was two years old...then all the time she spent learning from her grandma was just a sad memories. "I see...I wonder where she learned how to play? Was your family a fallen noble house or branch family?" Sesshomaru asked.

"My mother is from a noble family...but I have never met them, for some reason my mother stopped talking with them when she married my father, who's from a family of Shrine keepers, priests and priestesses." Sesshomaru stared at her for a moment, confused by her words.

"Your mother is from a noble your father's family wealthy? And why haven't you been married off yet?" He asked; causing Kagome to look at him with a question in her eyes. "No, my family isn't wealthy and why would I be married off? I mean...I'm too young to have any babies, though you seem to ignore that and get me pregnant against my will anyway." Sesshomaru noticed the fire that came to Kagome's eyes that had been lacking for some time now.

"Too young? Most would be married and carrying their husband's seed for the third or fourth time at your age, Kagome-" Sesshomaru said softly into her ear before kissing it and continuing, "-Besides why would I not plant my seed in your womb when you are most beautiful with my seed growing inside of you." Kagome moved her head away and frowned at him. She didn't feel like that was a compliment like he seemed to think it was; she felt more like he had insulted her. Sesshomaru noticed the frown and moved to kiss her, but moved her head away. She didn't want him to kiss her because of how it always led to something more with him.

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