Chapter 12: Trapped

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Pain boiled her blood, pain crushed her bones into fine powder, pain devoured her flesh...leaving nothing, but the pain of her tears. Kagome couldn't even scream in pain as she was consumed by the elixir of immortality as it worked to turn her mortal flesh to that of immortal; she couldn't even thrash in pain because of the cage of Sesshomaru's arms that held her gently, wanting her pain to end already.

Kagome's mind was lost in the pain and the darkness that she was trapped in by the elixir, when a light shined down on her and a hand reached out to her. She stared at it as her tears burned her skin, she wondered if that was the hand of death and this was the moment that she died. Reaching out her hand, she grabbed the hand, that gripped her tightly, like it would never let her go. Kagome closed her eyes, tired from the pain that was now slowly fading from her body.


Sesshomaru and everyone else sigh in relief when Kagome stopped thrashing around in Sesshomaru's arms and slowly opened her eyes. Kagome looked around the rooms, in gaze before she looked at Sesshomaru. "Is this hell?" She asked him, why was he there if she was dead? Had she not been in enough pain since she was forced to be his concubine...why couldn't she just die? "No, this is not hell, Kagome. Your duty to me is not done yet, I can't not let death take you until it is." Sesshomaru told her as he pushed some of her hair out of her face.

Kagome just stared at him, thinking of his words. Her duty had been forced on her and it was to birth his children, but would they her children as well? She thought of the wonderful dream that she had, the children that saw her as their mother, the children that she had given birth to from her own body, they didn't even know who Sakura was. But did that mean that they were hers in the eyes of the demon world? She didn't know and didn't care at the time; she had just held her babies and cried when she had seen Mizuki, who looked just like her, but with silver hair instead of black. She had held Mizuki tightly in her arms and wanted to never let go...the urge to do that was still hitting her hard to be truthful. "Where is Mizuki?" She whispered quietly, she felt so tired and she wanted her baby so badly suddenly.

Nori was quick to leave the room and get the baby for Kagome, who was slowly falling asleep in Sesshomaru's arms. Lady Kaede watched them with great interest, noting how Kagome slept so peacefully in Sesshomaru's arms and how Sesshomaru held Kagome in his arms like she was his very heart. The way that he tenderly rubbed his lips against Kagome's forehead told the old priestess that he truly cared for her and how his fingers caressed one of her cheeks.

His actions towards Kagome told the old priestess that the powerful demon Lord cared for Kagome deeply...maybe even loved her, though it seemed unlikely to the old woman. Also it seemed to Lady Kaede that Kagome only felt pain from being at Sesshomaru's side; it didn't surprise her, Kagome was a woman, who was stronger than most men that she knew. Kagome was living the life of Sesshomaru's concubine and it was clearly killing the young woman. "If you do not mean me asking, Lord Sesshomaru...what are your feelings for Kagome, Lord Sesshomaru?" Lady Kaede asked.

A little startled by the sudden question, stopped his gentle touching of Kagome, though he didn't take his hand off Kagome's face as he raised his head to look at Lady Kaede. "She is my concubine and the mother of my daughter...the one who did this will suffer a fate worse than hell itself for doing this to Kagome." He said calmly, though he raged inside. Holding Kagome in his arms though, calmed the rage inside and stopped his eyes from turning red as blood, he would need to use this 'talent' of Kagome's in the future. For that was what is was, a the past, hold someone would not hold in the rage boiled inside of him. "That does not answer my question, Lord Sesshomaru."

"She is my concubine, there is nothing more to say." Sesshomaru growled at the old woman. Her question was starting to annoy him, what was he to feel for the mother of his child. He felt for her and felt honoured for the duty that she performed for him in birthing his children like a concubine was meant to do.

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